Chapter 7

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After Lorena had read through the letter twice, she still felt as if it sounded too formal, like maybe a royal accepting a marriage, for builder stronger communications.

"Go get me your stationary please." Lorena said, twirling in her chair laying the letter on the desk. Too lackluster, she read it through once more before Nora reentered bringing a pen and several sheets of her light yellow perfumed paper.

"What's wrong with it?" Nora asked worrying.

"Well, it doesn't seem passionate enough, it feels like maybe you are accepting an offer on something that you're selling." Lorena said, and Nora laughed. Lorena sat up and gestured Nora to take the seat.

"Well, if you're going to make me rewrite this you need to guide me." Nora said, taking her pen and writing 'Dearest, Fredrick.' in pretty swirling penmanship.

"That's already an improvement!" Lorena said, joking. "Maybe say something of how you've missed his laugh over this past month, saying how nice his eyes look with the moon shining on them. Something maybe a little froofroo, something that says that you're a young lady and you like him. You do like him don't you?" Lorena asked, her eyes shining.

"Of course I like him!" Nora defended, and she bent over her letter scribbling a few things, "How should I tell him that I will accept his request, this is the hardest part for me." She said truthfully, Lorena sat down at the end of her bed near Nora.

"Tell him how you've been pondering his inquiry about marriage and tell him that you've finally come to a decision, how sad that you hadn't seen him in so long and that you will accept his hand in marriage, and if he'll come to stay at the hotel in Andover Hampshire for some time this summer so that he can have the chance to meet your family. Something like that I think." Lorena said, and Nora leaned back over the yellow paper and began writing once more.

When she had finished she read it allowed to Lorena.

"'Dearest, Fredrick. Since I've last seen you in London, I've found that I'm missing the way you smile when I say something surprisingly humorous, and the way your green eyes look in the candlelight. I remember that last dance that we had and all of the young ladies that were there were furious with me that I wouldn't give them the chance to dance with you, blaming me of hogging you. Over this time I've been contemplating the question you asked me that night, and I've come to a decision, it's been so long since we've seen each other and I miss you a great deal, I would be honored to become Mrs. Fredrick O'Malley, and I would appreciate it greatly if you were able to visit Andover sometime for a month or so this summer, my family would like to meet you, and I would like to have the time you spend in your company. You would be staying in the Andover hotel and we should be able to set a date and do some planning. I miss you greatly, and I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Affectionately Nora Sue Pills.'" Nora looked up at Lorena for confirmation.

"I think it sounds splendid, if I was a man and written that letter I wouldn't mind marrying a fine young lady at all!" Lorena said and her sister laughed at the scandalous things here sister could come up with.

"Thank you for helping me Lore, it means a great deal to me." She said smiling at her sister warmly.

"Oh you know, I'm just such a help!" She said sarcastically, Nora decided it was time to go to her own room at that time.

"Sleep well." You said to Lore as she left the room. 

Lorena took the lamp from her desk and set it by her bedside table, she always knew that Nora getting married someday was inevitable, and she always thought it would be earlier then nineteen, but she was probably trying to hold on to some of her freedom for as long as possible. 

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