Chapter 2

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"Hey! Sorry  was so tired last night so I fell asleep..." Sophie woke up to the message on her phone.

Lily? Who's Lily?

She opened the notification with her half-opened eyes and instantly it all came back. She wiped her eyes from any overnight nastiness and tried to see clearly.

"Haha no worries :) we all have those nights" she responded fearing that every word might screw up her chances to get a friend.

"Ha yeah, at least now schools over!"

"Yes exactly!!! So thankful"

The conversation continued until Sophie remembered she was sitting right next to her parents who were at an outdoor show with her. Her phone slowly dying, she came to terms with the fact that she had to tell Lily she had to go and couldn't talk till later.

Sophie sat through that long performance praying it would end soon so she could get home, plug her phone in and talk to her again. The anticipation killed her. She was listening to the music play from the orchestra as she sat practically twiddling her thumbs.

Her mom asked if she wanted to play some games on her iPad. Thank God for moms. She played the games on her mom's iPad till the music finished then again on the train home.

When she got home she saw a message saying "Heyy" from Lily. She forgot she had told her to message her around 10. So much for being home at a reasonable time.

"Hey! Sorry I just got home" Sophie responded. She locked her phone, set it down and got ready for bed while it charged hoping she would still be awake.

She definitely wasn't.

Sophie woke up around 10 and seeing the response on her phone from Lily, she strained to make her eyes see properly. 

They spent all day talking on the glitchy app getting to know each other.

After days of getting to know each other on the glitchy app Lily suggested they talk on something that was more reliable. Sophie then took the opportunity to get her number.

Lily gave it to her.

Sophie texted her "Hey it's Sophie."

She was so determined not to screw this up.

It felt like it counted for so much more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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