Chapter 1

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This is it, Sophie thought to herself. I am doing this. I'm tired of hiding. I need a place to be myself. Somewhere I have to meet someone who accepts me.

Sophie downloaded the app that was going to change her life forever but all she knew was she was entering her email and password as if it were any other app.

Once it finished downloading, she opened it, typed her name, birthday, typical password, and an email address she's had since she was 10.

It asked her what her interests were for the app. She clicked on friends and dates. When it asked what type of people she was interested in she scrolled down and stared at it.

This is me, She thought.

She clicked "men and women" and pressed continue.

Sophie explored the app and looked for people that were sort of within her area but not too close they might accidentally end up bumping into each other on the street. She saw plenty of guys but not too many girls who looked interesting. She knew she really shouldn't be judging people but isn't that what dating apps are for anyway? Degrading people to just their looks and then deciding later whether or not their worthy enough to go out with?

All of a sudden one girl popped out on her screen. Okay, not quite popped out. But stood out. She was pretty based on her picture. She had beautiful blue-green eyes with long, dirty blonde hair. She wore glasses that looked too large for her face but somehow fit it perfectly. Her lips were perfectly curved and her eyebrows looked perfectly shaped. Somehow this beautiful angel lived 23 miles from Sophie yet had never met her.

"Hey!" Sophie messaged her.

After two hours of waiting around, Sophie decided to give up. She'd respond whenever that happened.

And eventually she did.

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