A Tittle

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The mind is by far the most powerful material thing known to humankind
The mind cannot be escaped

The mind for years told me I was inadequate
My self-worth valued at $0.00

The mind fogged itself up, all rationale reduced to senseless drivel
Fully aware it, It did not matter

Isolation became a coping mechanism but I could never isolate myself from my thoughts
Resistance as they say, futile

Self doubt travels in groups accompanied by self pity and self loathing
All existing on a spectrum shifting from day to day

Some days are different to others
Others cannot be told apart
The only escape is sleep... Until a nightmare reveals itself

Years passed and I grew bored, bored of self pity, sickened by self loathing and lastly tired of self doubt

After a while it all becomes boring and you slowly realize that there is a higher force within that even the mind succumbs too

One never realizes this as your mind with do it utmost to conceal this fact
That is the hope hidden, left behind in Pandora's jar

The demons have been slayed I hope, I stand victorious I pray
Ever so often my mind slips back to old habits or at least tries
I will never let that happen.

It's a long and rough journey to peace.

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