Black Horse

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*********Sabrina's POV***********

I was walking home from school when I first noticed something was wrong. The street lights weren't on and it was dark out, due to the gray clouds covering the skies. But thats not even the half on it. I'm started getting dreams where I was being chased by horses. Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure it was the same horse.

I was running in the cave. From what, I do not know. I saw lights ahead and thought it was my out. As I approached, I saw that it was a blazing fire with people dancing around it.

"Our sacrifice has come," the oldest man shouted.

I tried to protest but two people had already grabbed me. A huge black horse came out of the blazing fire. Stunned, I didn't what to do. Would it spare me. Just as they went to throw me into the fire, I woke up.

Sweat was dripping from my head, yet my feet and body were freezing. I got up and looked in the mirror to make sure there weren't any cuts. Damn it of course there wouldn't be. It was a dream. I took a deep breath

"Just a dream," I told myself. But I couldn't believe it JUST a dream.

I walked downstairs where I saw my whole family waiting for me. My brothers' faces looker concerned, which frightened me. My mom was the first to break the silence.

"Honey you can't live here anymore. It's too dangerous. He knows."


Hey hope you like it. Next update is coming soon. ^.^ Tell me what you think and what should happen.

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