Chapter 1

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As John walks towards the building he thinks about how he has just accepted an offer from a complete stranger to share a flat with him. He barely even knows what his likes and dislikes are, what he eats and his habits. John let's out a sigh before he realises he is at the door of the building.


The black door looks.. Not very inviting. He uses the door knocker to knock on the door three times. John thinks at least he won't be alone. As soon as he thinks that, a cab pulls up and out jumps the one and only Mr. Holmes.

"Hello" Mr. Holmes says, turning around and offering a smile. He advances towards John.

"Ah Mr. Holmes!" John says, shaking his hand heartily.

"Please, call me Sherlock" Sherlock says, before the door opens and out comes an old lady. She looks old and frail. She has gold earrings in and she is wearing old granny clothes. John smiles and remembers his own granny before he is being ushered in.

Sherlock bounds up the stairs and throws open the door to show the flat. John sees all the mess and cringes inwardly. Sherlock must have forgotten to clean up.

"This could be nice" John states, rubbing a bit of dust off the mantlepiece.

"Yes. Very nice. My thoughts persiclely" Sherlock says, looking straight at John before suddenly turning away.

"As soon as we get this place-" John starts before Sherlock's overpowering voice finishes

"So I already moved in"

John sighs, realising this mess is his flatmates things. He looks around at the boxes and chemistry equipment and decides to sit on the nearest chair to him. He settles in it and feels as if it was made for him.

"So.." Sherlock starts, appearing behind John and startling him half to death.

"So what?" John asks back, trying to steady his racing heart. That man did like to just appear out of nowhere.

"So.." Sherlock repeated, annoying John slightly. He looked backwards at Sherlock but he suddenly appeared in front of John. John gets up quickly and nods at Sherlock before exiting the flat. As he leaves he hears the old lady's voice

"Oh Sherlock. That's the quickest anyone has ever left you. Shame, he could have been quite nice"


As John comes back from his walk around the park he enters the building. He hears the lady saying something about Sherlock before she looks up and sees John. She smiles.

"Oh I knew you wouldn't leave!" She says heartily, squeezing his shoulders.

"No. Just went out for a walk Mrs. Erm.." John starts, realising he doesn't really know what her name is.

"Mrs. Hudson dear" She says softly.

"Ah. Okay. Mrs. Hudson have you seen Sherlock?" John states, looking upwards realising he hasn't heard anything from the flat since he arrived.

"Off on a case dear, Suicides. One left a note this time I think" Mrs. Hudson says before returning to her flat and shutting the door, leaving John speechless. Suicides?! What sort of a job did Sherlock have?

He walks slowly up the stairs and opens the door to see a cup of tea. He sits in the chair he earlier thought was made for him and sips it before spitting it out. It's cold. He sighs and then sees a peice of paper. He reads it.

"I am sorry for frightening you earlier. I've gone out on a case. Feel free to drink the tea - SH"

John smiles, thinking how thoughtful it was for Sherlock to leave a note.

"I see you're back" Shelock's voice says from the doorway, making John jump for the third time. He turns around to see Sherlock taking off his coat and scarf and hanging them on the coat rack.

"Yes. Of course I'm back, I went on a walk" John replies as he watches Sherlock sit on the chair opposite from him before Sherlock grabs a violin that John hadn't even noticed was there and begins to play. John sits in awe at the amazing playing. By the end he claps, unaware until Sherlock looks round sharply.

"Why are you clapping?" Sherlock asks, sounding genuinely confused. One eyebrow raised.

"Because it was beautiful! Outstanding! Incredible! It was-" John realises Sherlock is getting more flushed by the second before he hears Sherlock mumble thanks. John is about to say it's not problem before Sherlock blurts out goodnight and practically runs to his room, slamming the door.

John is confused but just shrugs his shoulders and grabs his suitcase before heading up the stairs to his room. He unpacks his things before putting on his pyjamas and hopping into the bed. He falls asleep instantly.

He is woken by the noise of the violin. He sighs and tries to block it out but he can't. He gets up and walks downstairs, somehow he feels he has to be careful not to disturb his friend.

As he gets to the bottom of the stairs and walks carefully forwards the violin abruptly stops.

"What are you doing up?" Sherlock asks, looking out the window at the cars below.

"How did you know I was here?" John says, confused how he made so much noise.

"Because I could feel your presence" Sherlock says before picking up the violin and playing. John shakes his head and continues to the kitchen to make tea before going upstairs and falling asleep to the melody of Shelock's violin.

"Yes" John decides.

"It will be rather nice living here"

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