Chapter 4

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"Please. Wake up" Sherlock whispers, sitting next to his best friends almost lifeless body. Why did he leave. It was so selfish of him. He was planning to surprise John.. But John surprised Sherlock. Sherlock never thought that John would even consider suicide, he was too strong. He had solider instincts, never taking the easy way out.. But he did. Sherlock leaving, drove the bravest man he knew to want to take his own life.

Sherlock didn't realise he was crying until a drop of water fell onto the sheets in front of him. He looked at his best friend, and realised something. How amazing John looked. Of course, he was sick. But, his hair, his face, his complexion.. Everything about him, Was perfect. Sherlock didn't realise it until it was too late. He didn't realise how much he loved his best friend until it was too late. He took John's hand in his, and kissed it.

"Please, wake up.."

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