Chapter 3

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John wakes up with light streaming through the curtains and onto his face. He groans and stretches before getting up and going downstairs. As he walks downstairs he hears snoring. Confused, he tiptoes quietly into the livingroom to see Sherlock, violin loosely in one hand, curled up on the sofa and fast asleep. His hair is curly and messy and his face is peaceful. Well, apart from the fact he is snoring.

John looks at Sherlock. A weird butterfly sensation in his stomach. He wonders why he's so nervous. He suddenly realises he can't take his gaze off the sleeping man. He shakes his head and goes to make tea.

As he makes tea he has time to think. Why couldn't I stop staring at him? Why was I so captivated by him? As he thinks he isn't paying attention to the tea he's poring and burns his hand.

"SHIT!" He yells, dropping the cup. It smashes into one million pieces as John sighs and hurriedly runs his hand under the cold tap. What John hasn't noticed is that Sherlock is now awake, due to the smash of the cup.

"Good morning *yawn* John" Sherlock states, uncurling himself and stretching. He blinks a few times to get the blurriness out of his eyes and stands up. He ruffles his hair a bit to make it less "poofy"

John looks at Sherlock doing these actions and the same feeling is in his stomach. It's getting ridiculous. Why has he got such a weird feeling when he sees his flatmate?

Sherlock stumbles into the kitchen and watches John run his hand under the tap.

"What on earth are you doing?" He asks, genuinely confused.

"I uh.. Burnt my hand making tea" John replies shyly.

"Well.. How? It's easy to make tea John. You must have been staring at someone or something for that to have happened" Sherlock states, looking over at John's hand under the water and gently holding it higher for him to get more water as he could see John's hand was getting tired.

John felt electricity shoot up his arm at the contact. He looked up at Sherlock, Sherlock looked down at him. Before John knew what was happening, Sherlock was so close to John that he could feel his warm breath. Barely inches apart. Suddenly, the doorbell rang, causing Sherlock to jump back. He smiled apologetically at John and grabbed his coat, stating very loudly he had a case, before hurrying down the stairs and out the door. Leaving John starstruck from the close call he had to kissing Sherlock Holmes.


When Sherlock came back it was late at night. The sun was gone and the stars were out. John had gotten bored and was researching how to write songs. So, he composed a peice for Sherlock. So that he could fall asleep with his own melody. John smiled at the thought.

"Hello" Sherlock said rather gloomily. The case had been a bore and he was unable to solve it.

"Hello!" John cried cheerily. He turned to face Sherlock but his face fell when he saw how upset Sherlock looked.

"Hey.. Sherlock? What's up?" John offered, standing up and gesturing to Sherlock to sit down. John sat down in the chair opposite, hoping Sherlock would sit and talk. No such luck.

"Nothing I'll worry you with John. Thank you though" Sherlock's voice called from the doorway to the bathroom. John heard the click of the door shutting and sighed deeply.

It was ages before Sherlock had come out of the bathroom. He didn't want to face John after what had happened before he left. He was going to kiss John.. But he had to go for a case. Sherlock was sure he had ruined it completely. So, he locked himself in the bathroom until he heard the sound of his violin being played. Curious, he unlocked the door to see John, attempting to play the violin. But to Shelock's surprise, it was beautiful.

He listened in awe as the notes were played aloud, every single one perfect. Then it abruptly stopped and Sherlock heard John swear.

"Shit. This is awful. It's never going to work" John whispers as he carefully puts the violin down and turns to go to bed. To his shock, Sherlock is standing there, leaning against the wall and smiling.

"That was.. Outstanding" Sherlock manages to say. He sees John flush red and hears him utter a small thank you.

"Sherlock.. How long were you standing There?" John asks, terrified.

"As soon as you started playing" Sherlock says, smiling wide at John. He advances towards him and grabs his hands.

"Woah wait Sherlock? What are you doing?" John stutters nervously as Sherlock reaches down to grab the violin and bow.

"Teaching you to play one of my favourite songs" Sherlock replies, smiling dopely at John.

As there hands are touching and their body's pressed together John can feel the energy. He can hear the violin but the loudest thing is his heart rate. He looks up at Sherlock, who had John close to his chest, his arms wrapped around him to be able to play the violin. Sherlock looks down at John and smiles.

Sherlock suddenly turns John quickly to face him. John is caught off guard and almost falls over, but Sherlock grabs his hand. They look into eachothers eyes as Sherlock brings John closer to him. The moon is shining in through the window, making Sherlock look perfect in John's eyes. They lean in, their faces inches apart. Then Sherlock closes the distance between them. It is quick and sweet, leaving John speechless and Sherlock giddy. Sherlock looks away and then smiles at John, before stating he is going to bed. He leaves John with a happy smile on his face. John walks upstairs to his room and lies in bed. He closes his eyes and only has one thought on his mind.

"Do I love him? Do I love Sherlock Holmes?"

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