Strip Poker : The Rematch

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A/N: Okay welcome back to another chapter! This chapter was requested by gerardisnotokay! And for all of their amazing comments and making me laugh, OH and they also commented on a few of my other books and those made me smile too, the chapter is dedicated to Zelvierdemonqueen132! :) Thanks for both of your guys' support, and thanks for the other people reading it! Btw, I am really sorry for not updating lately, I had found out that my best friend had died, and I needed a while to just pull myself together, and her funeral was the other day, so I feel like I'm ready to give you guy's a VERY overdo chapter. Okay let's get on with this! Enjoy....?

"Hey (Y/n). Did you know that every time I see you, you just become more and more beautiful?" randomly spoke Thatch.

'There he goes with the flirting  again.'

You just didn't reply. You were on a mission. A very serious one in fact. The mission was to get Ace to play another round of Strip Poker since he chickened out last time. 

"There's no way I'm letting fire face chicken out." you grumbled. 

"Well then don't laugh at his flame boxer's." suggested Thatch.

"Oh don't give me that. You were laughing just as much as I was." Thatch chuckled and said, "Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's just go and find Ace." You nodded in agreement. 

After a while of searching, you came across the orange hatted pirate. You walked up to him and yelled, "REMATCH."

He brought his hands to his ears.

"What the hell?! And rematch for what?!"

"Strip poker! You chickened out last time 'cause we saw your flaming undies."  He got a blush from embarrassment and tried to shush you.

"Be quiet! And I'll play again if you just don't bring up that boxer thing again."

"What boxer's? Ace you are really weird. Why are you talking about underwear? We have a rematch to get to, so hurry your ass up! It's the same place."

Ace nodded and just followed you and Thatch into the same room as last time. You sat across from Marco, you had Thatch to your right, and Ace to your left. You were the first to deal.

Everyone held their cards up close to their faces. Marco had gotten rid of one card, while you discarded of three and quickly grabbed your replacements. 

'Ace has a good pokerface....but not good enough. Thatch seems more depressed about his cards....Marco dammit! What are your cards!'

"I fold." spoke up Thatch. You eyed Ace, but he just gave you a cocky smirk.

'That bastard!'

"Go ahead Lady Pineapple." you spoke up. 

"Two Pair-yoi," said Marco as he set down his hand. Ace was next. Thing's were serious. He started setting his hand down and spoke, "Straight." 

He once again gave you that cocky smirk.

"It isn't good to get so cocky freckles. Because you know what beats a Straight hand?" you plopped your cards onto the table victoriously. 

"A Full House." Ace's smile was immediately gone and he grumbled in annoyance.

"STRIP! STRIP! STRIP!" Thatch, Marco, and you started chanting. Ace just flicked off his hat.

"Boo!" you and Thatch yelled. 

"Just deal the deck." said Ace.

"Ace....your the dealer this round." you said, trying to keep in your laugh. He just grumbled incoherent words. The cards were once again dealt.

You looked down at your cards and you had a High Card. 

'Okay....It's a little risky, but let's try to bluff this shit.'

Thatch had three-of-a-kind for his hand. 

Marco had a Straight Flush.

Ace had a Full House.

You set down your cards, and were left shirtless in another lace bra.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You should know better than to bluff this early in the game, Princess." spoke up Ace.

"Shut the hell up Fire Face."

"It's Fire Fist Princess." You rolled your eyes as the next hand was dealt. You looked at your hand. 

' hand is shitty. Instead of folding like a wuss would, *cough* Thatch *cough*, might as well lose this round in glory!'

"Ooh. Looks like princess needs to ditch a piece of clothing." spoke up Ace. You shrugged and stood up. You teasingly untied the string that kept your shorts tight and on your hips, and then you slowly pulled them down your (s/c) legs. Thatch and Marco whistled while Ace blushed. 

'Now I wish I didn't ditch my hat...' thought Ace. 

Your shorts were now off and you stood their in your matching lace bra and panties, along with your sandals. You did a little turn around and winked over your shoulder.

"Like the view, boys~?" 

Just that, turned all three of them into a blushing, stuttering mess. You giggled and sat back down.

"Alright. Let's do this!" you shouted, feeling confident.

~Time skip to 17 minutes into the future~

There you four were. 

Ace in his orange boxer's.

Marco in his boxers and a shirt.

Thatch with only his shoes on.

And your bra and panties, just about to lose your bra. 

You stood up, and felt like teasing these guy's again. 

You started to shake your hips seductively, while slowly walking around the three guy's, touching each of their shoulder's as you past. You leaned up against Ace's back, and everyone in the room could hear the small unsnapping noise your bra made, when you unhooked it. You blew a little air into Ace's ear, and walked back to your spot, and slid off the bra. You held it up, and dropped it on the ground. 

All three of them couldn't take their eye's off of your figure. You blew a kiss at them and sat back down. Thatch passed out because of a nosebleed, and you guy's decided to continue the game without him. When Marco dealt the card, you held them, so the only part of your face they could see, was from your eye's up. You sent a wink and Ace. 

He turned back to his cards, trying not to blush, but clearly failing. 

Everyone laid down their cards, and you had the best hand, while Ace had the worst, which meant....Ace's Fire Stick can come out.

He stood up and just before he pulled his boxer's down, Haruta burst through the door screaming, "The Marine's are attacking!"

"SON OF A BITCH! I WAS SO CLOSE TOO!" you yelled while throwing your cards onto the table. You stood up and got your clothes on.

'I will see it.' 

A/n: Hi guys! Sorry for taking so long! :( But at least I tried. :/ Anyways, thanks for reading, and bearing with me! >.< I love you all, and hope you enjoyed! Toodles~!

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