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"Dear, we have an issue." The Queen of France glided into the room, addressing her husband, The King. She said the word 'dear' with no affection whatsoever, for the King and Queen did not love each other. The wealth that came with arranged marriages seduced both their parents, making the deal unbreakable. "I just received word from our inside sources that the Spaniards have declared war." The King sat there for a moment, then called for his eldest son.

Beau came running down the stairs, "Yes father?" He asked. The king cleared his throat, preparing to give a noble speech about war. His wife motioned not to and made a face. He huffed and continued. "I'd like you to inform our troops that we are under attack. I would like the moat to be filled, the cannons to be prepared and our warriors ready." "Yes sir." Beau responded.  He nodded in acknowledgement at his mother, and left towards the south building.

"Should we inform the peasants?" The Queen asked quietly. "I think so, please send the messenger down to the village and inform the the rest of the kingdom." The King responded. The Queen nodded slightly and left the room. She was about to turn back, say something about how queens didn't do such peasant-like tasks, but continued. The king was never a good businessman when he was angry.


Charvette sat in her room, peering out the window. She saw her oldest brother, he was half running and half walking towards the south building. She figured another war was about to occur, so she directed her attention elsewhere. Her youngest brother was walking outside as well. He was sneaking around a bit, and Charvi was intrigued. He headed towards the forest, and when he thought the coast was clear, he bolted. "Finley always was a strange child." Charvi thought out loud.

There was a knock at her door, and she called for the person to come in. It was her dear friend, Everard Callan. Charvi's eyes lit up at the sight of him. He smiled in return, holding a bulging bag filled with books.

"I thought you might want to practice today." Everard said, signaling to the books. Charvette knew it was useless, but she smiled and nodded. Everard sat next to her on her bed and pulled out a big book. "I figured we should start with the basics, you know, the spells that the peasants are allowed to use."

Certain spells were reserved for solely the royal family. They of course didn't want the peasants on the same magical level! This rule was thought out centuries ago by the ancestor. She was the one who created the spellbooks and the way a kingdom was to be run.

Everard opened up the book, and loads of dust clouded around them. They both coughed and tried to fan it away. When the air finally became clear, Everard clenched his hand in a fist. When he released, there was a simple bubble of water floating above his palm. Charvi would have been in awe, but she had seen the spell many times before.

Carefully directing the bubble, Everard opened up his mouth and the bubble slowly inched it's way into his open mouth. He bit down, and the bubble popped, resulting in a nice drink. Charvette laughed. "Your turn," he said, water still swishing between his teeth.

Charvi closed her hand into a fist, released and... nothing. "That's alright." Everard said, reassuring her. "Try again. Do it a little bit slower and concentrate." Concentrate was one of Charvi's least favorite words. She always concentrated. She concentrated so hard her brain almost exploded.

Charvette did the procedure several more times, and nothing continued to happen. Sighing, she closed the book and told Everard that she was done for the day.


James's palms were bright red. He clenched his fists, trying to control himself. Beads of sweat rolled off his forehead as his mind tried to reign his actions back in. The duke was rambling on and on about how 'the young prince's temper was going to get him in trouble someday.' If he was so educated about 'the prince's temper', then maybe he would shut his fat mouth.

He un-clenched his fists, even though they were still shaking. In the royal family, temper wasn't a personality trait. It was a disease, passed down every 7 generations. Guess who was the lucky receiver this time?

A bright light shot from his hands. It traveled immensely fast, shooting right out the door and through the hall. "HURRY!" his mind cried out, not making any sound to the people who weren't supposed to hear it.


A rod of gold lightening whipped around the corner and through Charvi's bedroom door. She saw it and knew exactly what was happening. She raised her arms so that they made a straight line with her shoulders, and watched as the lightning circled around her waist, creating a leash. It lifted Charvi off the ground and pulled her straight back where it came from.


"Char!" James said, releasing a huge breath. Just her presence made an impact on him. The lightening let go, retracting back into James's hands. His twin sister came running and embraced him in a huge hug. It took him a moment before hugging her back, his temper was slowly fading.

The duke shook his head in disgust. "You see!" He told the other members of the council. "What if there was a time when our lovely Charvette wasn't able to come to her brother's rescue? We have seen the wrath of this monstrous disease far too many times!" A few council members nodded in agreement while others couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"My brother isn't a monster!" Charvette screamed at the duke. "He's a human. He's a person just like me and a far more decent one then you!"

"Char it's okay!" James said, returning back to his normal self. His skin had tone returned to it's regular shade of pale and the light had returned to his eyes. "It's okay." It was his turn to calm down his twin. The two of them were best friends and nothing could separate them.

The duke didn't seem to mind what the princess had to say about him. He continued with his rant. "He should be quarantined!" The entire court gasped. Quarantined? It seemed preposterous. Charvette grabbed her brother's hand and bolted, pulling him away from the vicious duke and his plans.


Hey guys!!! We are LOVING the way this story is headed and we hope you are too! Usually we would each write a section of the AN, but Kay is going to be on a super fun trip for a while! I'll keep working on the story and writing the Author's Note until she gets back.

Thank you SO MUCH to all of the followers we have gotten in the past few days! I have been on Wattpad for months and I still have 7 less followers than this account XD. I feel bad setting a goal but... do you think we can get to 50 reads in a week? Pretty please? Don't forget to vote and comment and post on our conversations tab! See you in Chapter 2!


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