I Love You

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Author's Note:

       Hope you like this short story. It's way out of the genre I usually write, so it's something new for me. Anyway, a small note, though I feel I've already made it pretty clear, but for those of you who can't get it Italics = Past events.

Okay, now enjoy reading!!!


He had left to get some refreshments.

      "Hey Aubrey, I'm going to get a refill on the popcorns. Do you want something else?" he whispered while glancing towards the empty popcorn bucket.

 She had asked him if she should come along, but he refused saying...

      "Nah, you just sit here, enjoy the movie; after all you've been so curious to see it since it released; can't take that away from you. Besides, I'll be back in no time." Saying that he stood up and left, without even sparing so much as a glance towards her puckered lips ready to give him a peck as they usually did... before.

        So here she was, sitting in a darkened theatre staring at the big screen with unseeing eyes. Gosh, she didn't even know what half the movie was about; and no, she wasn't dying to watch this movie since it released.

        The only reason why she had dragged him to watch it was in the hopes of mending their falling relationship, to have some alone time together far from work and business which was the apparent reason of the rift in their relationship, to just relax and make some sweet memories, to get back the feelings that they encountered when they first started going out together.

After all, they went to see a movie on their first date as well.

     "You sure you are ok with Star Trek?" he asked trying to hide his clear amusement at her declaration of watching the said film. She gave a carefree laugh.

 "Why pretty boy, you don't date girls with a fever of science fictions?"  She asked a little challengingly.

 "Can't say" he shrugged.

"Why?" she asked.

"Never found one as hot as you to date" he smirked at the apparent color that tinted her cheeks.

   She smiled reminiscing.

   But perhaps it was all over; all was lost, those sparks, those fireworks, those butterflies, everything.

    It was no big secret that he had been ignoring her since the past couple of weeks; sneaking around to places, avoiding telling her where he had been on being asked.

         "I won't be able to attend your aunts' party tonight, Aubrey. I'm so sorry but something urgent came up at the company and I'll have to work late" he announced monotonously into the mouthpiece.

"But Blake, you promised you'll be here. Aunt Aggie told her friends that they'll finally be able to meet my boyfriend after four years. And it will totally break her heart if you don't show up. I mean I don't care about her friends, but at least you could be there for me" She pleaded.

"Well Aubrey, if you cared about me and my job, you wouldn't have been so stubborn. But if that's what you want then okay, I'm coming to that silly event after getting fired tonight" he breathed in the phone angrily.

She was taken aback by the sudden change in his mood, so she apologized for her "obstinacy" and told him that he needn't come if the work is so important.

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