Chapter 19

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I was currently on a walk with my headphones in. I was listening to Alex Aiono (if you don't know who he is search him on YouTube right now) God his voice is amazing. And he's hot. Damn. I thought biting my lip. I know I have a boyfriend but this guy's only someone famous. And he's way older. I think. I don't know his age. As I turned the corner I saw a girl with her head in her hands. I paused my music and heard her crying. I took my headphones out and put them in my pocket along with my phone. I walked up to her and said softly "hey are you okay?" She looked up at me. She had pretty blue eyes, messy brown hair from where her fingers once were, her mascara all over her face. She had a plain gray shirt on with some blue shorts. "My boyfriend just broke up with me" she said as she started crying more. I sat down beside her and looked at her, "no hey don't cry" I said rubbing her back. She hugged me and I hugged her back. "He broke up with me for a slut" she said. I could barely understand her. "Then he doesn't deserve you" I said rubbing her back. Once she calmed down she looked at me. "Thank you so much" "it was no problem" I said smiling at her. "Wanna be friends?" She asked pushed the strand of hair that fell out of her face. "Yeah sure" I said. "Well come on" I said standing up and taking her arm. She laughed and stood up. "Let's go to my house" I said as I let go of her arm and started walking home. She followed me. We told each other about ourselves until we reached my house. I also learned her name is Amber. "Hey mom" I said as I smiled at her. "Hey Ava, you brought a friend?" She asked smiling. "Yeah. Her name is Amber" I said. "Hi" Amber said smiling at my mom. We went upstairs and she fixed her makeup. I took a couple of pictures with her and posted them on snapchat. We were both weird, crazy, and funny so I knew we would be best friends. "Wanna stay the night?" I asked chewing the piece of watermelon bubble gum she gave me. "Yeah sure, let me ask my parents!" She said as she called her mom and put her on speaker. "Hello" her mom said answering. "Can I stay the night at my friends house tonight?" She asked. "Who?" Her mom asked. "My friend Ava she helped me." She said smiling at me. "Hmm sure, let me ask your father too tho." She said. "Bob!" She yelled. "Yeah?" he yelled back. "Can Amber stay at her friends house" she yelled again. "Yeah" he yelled back. "Well that's a yes, bye honey have fun love you" she said in a sweet voice. "Okay thanks bye love you" Amber said before hanging up. I gave her some of my clothes to change into. I went to my closet and picked out some Nike shorts and a Calvin Klein bra. I went into the bathroom and changed. I walked out and she whistled.(don't think it's lesbian to do that, it's what best friends do) I laughed and sat on the bed. My friend josh called me. (You've never heard of him because he's a fuckboi🙄)


'Hey ava'

'What's up?'

'Just called to say hi'


'So who's that girl on your story'


'Shh' he said laughing

'She's my friend Amber'

'Oh really, whats her snapchat'

'It's yourafuckboieventhoyourmyfriendloveyabutno42'

'Damn Ava I feel the love'

I laughed and asked Amber if I could give him her snapchat name. She said sure so I told him.

'Thanks, banana' he always calls me banana

'Don't try to get with her, her boyfriend just broke up with her'

'Okay well I'll talk to you later banana, love ya bye'

'K love you too bye'

I hung up on him. I narrowed my eyes as I thought of something. "What are you thinking about?" Amber asked me. "Hunter never texted me today, nor Daniel" I said. "Who's that?" She asked. "My best friend and my boyfriend" I said checking my phone. I snapchated Hunter a picture where I was looking hot I mean I just took it but I looked hot. And you can see major cleavage. I put the caption as "babe, we haven't talked all day????" Before I sent it I showed Amber it. "Dude send it" she said. I sent it and put music on and started dancing around my room with Amber.

(Ooh see what I did there😉)

I was currently hanging out with Daniel. We were actually having a good time. *ding* I looked at my phone to see I have a snapchat from Ava. "Ava sent me something" I said to Daniel who was playing with Wheezy. He got up from the floor and sat by me so he could see the snapchat. He grabbed his phone. "She sent me one too" he said. "Let's open yours first." I said as I looked at his phone. He opened it and it was a picture of her smiling it looked like she was laughing but I also noticed she was in her bra. The caption was "hey Dani, why haven't we talked at all today? (Btw I took this on accident)" he sent a snapchat back to her of him smiling and put the caption of "text me. And I've been busy all day with Hunter" "okay Hunter your turn" he said looking at my phone.  I opened it and my eyes went wide. "Holy fuck" I said as a really big smile appeared on my face. I looked at Daniel and he had the same reaction except he didn't say anything. He looked at me and laughed at my reaction. "That was hot" I said. I sent a picture of me and Daniel to her and put the caption as "been with this goof. Text me rn" I looked at her story to see her with a girl. I clicked off of her story and kept on watching other stories until I got a text message. 'Hey babe' Ava said. I texted her back 'you looked so hot in that picture you sent me😍😩' she replied fast '😂🌞😉' me and her just kept on texting until she said she was tired. I told her goodnight and I loved her and put my phone down. I guess me and Daniel were texting her because he put his phone down a minute after I did. "Texting Ava?" I asked smiling at him. "Yup" he said smiling back. I ended up staying the night at his house. He's not a bad guy. Not at all. I fell into sleep on the couch with food on my mind.

It All Started In 2001(h.r and d.s fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now