Nepeta ships it

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~Karkat's POV~

I woke up the next morning with Dave sleeping next to me, his shades on the table. I thought maybe I could wake him up and see his eyes. So, I tapped his shoulder and he opened one eye to look at me.

"What...?" He asked sort of quietly. My eyes widened as I saw his beautiful eyes. They were candy red; the color of my blood. He opened his eyes quickly then and put on his shades, looking away.

"Dave, your.. Your eyes..." I couldn't even finish my sentence before he cut my off.

"I know. They're hideous. Don't worry, I hate them too." I just shook my head and turned him back toward me, taking his shades again so he was looking into my eyes.

"No.. They're beautiful..." I just stared into them with my mouth open slightly, my hands on his shoulders. He looked really surprised.

"Are you serious...? I thought you would say I was some sort of mutant.." I just rolled my eyes.

"Dave. I'm a mutant. My blood is red. And that's not normal." He look like he actually had no idea of this.

"Then.. I guess we've both got our downsides." I just nodded at this, not sure what else to say.

"And now I guess we've both got two. Since I'm not really out to everyone about being gay.." I raised a brow.

"What even is it about human sexuality? Why is it so important?" Dave rubbed the back of his neck at this, looking down.

"I don't really know, but being gay is weird to a lot of people, and I don't want people to think I'm weird... That's the same reason I don't show my eyes, actually.." I nodded, then smiled a bit.

"Well you don't have to hide anything from me. I promise." I smiled at him and hugged him loosely. He hugged back a bit tighter, and I kissed him. He kissed back, then I pulled away and looked into his eyes. He did the same now, and I got lost in the candy red of his eyes. I let out a bit of a sigh, smiling softly. I suddenly had a thought though.

"So um.. Would it be alright if I told the trolls that you're gay...? I'll make them swear they won't say anything to any humans." Dave nodded, smiling a bit.

"That's fine. Just as long as no humans find out." He smiled at me, still staring into my eyes. I didn't mind at all. In fact, I loved it. His eyes were such a shocking, beautiful red, that I didn't want to look away from them. They stared into my soul, as I gazed softly into his eyes. I leaned up and kissed him gently, and hugged him loosely. He laughed, hugging me back.

After a while, we both finally got out of bed. I stretched some, letting out a yawn. He just put on his shades, kissed me on the cheek, then put his clothes on. I put mine on as well, then we got ready for the day.

~Time skip brought to you by Mituna Captor because he's my precious bee child~

It was lunch now, and I say with the trolls as I normally did. Although at our table, there were two seats left over, so two extra people could sit with us daily. Usually Rose took up one spot, which was beside Kanaya, and no one sat in the other spot. Probably because it was right next to me. But today, Dave sat there. I smiled at him, and everyone seemed really surprised at this. Except Rose and Kanaya. They didn't even notice because they were talking to each other.

"Karkat, did you jutht thmile!?" Sollux seemed the most surprised. Probably because I lived with him, and he barely even saw me smile. I just nodded slowly, one brow raised. Rose and Kanaya stopped with their chitchat to look over when Sollux asked, though my smile had already faded.

"Yeah, so what if I smiled? It's perfectly natural."

"Yeah, it ith natural, but you never thmile! I fucking LIVE with you and I barely see you happy!" I just shrugged.

"Well now you have seen me happy." Sollux didn't even know what to say at this point. I laughed a bit at that to myself, and he still seemed really surprised, even at that.

I hadn't even noticed until now, but Nepeta had been smiling like she had gotten a new shi... Fuck. She ships it. Me and Dave. God dammit. God Fucking Dammit Dave, why'd you have to sit beside me and make me smile. I don't want Nepeta to be fangirling over us like she always does with every fucking ship ever.

Gamzee didn't even look at me the entire time... He was my moirail too, which made it feel worse... I wanted to say something, but he was at the complete other end of the table. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart when I realized I hadn't hung out with him almost at all in a week. Gog, I really needed to apologize now. Maybe after school I can...

~Another time skip brought to you by Cronus because he is a precious cinnamon roll (to me at least--)~

At the end of the day, I met up with Gamzee. We decided I would stay at his house, and I made sure it was alright with Dave before I even talked to Gamzee, because I figured he would want to come to my house today since I came over for a few days. It was fine though, it would only be about a day until he could come over. I smiled a bit at his reasoning, kissed his cheek and then left to go see Gamzee. Then I arrived at where we said we would meet up, and we walked to his hive. Or.. House. I'm still not used to calling it that..

When we arrived, I sat my stuff down by the door, as did Gamzee. We sat down on the couch then, and I looked over at him. He looked back at me and smiled, making me smile slightly. He pulled me into his lap, so that my body was completely against his. I blushed a little at this, and his face got closer to mine and he smiled wider. He kissed me, and I blushed deeply. I would have freaked out but.. We were moirails. And that quadrant isn't completely vanilla, I'll have to say.. But he had never kissed me before though, so I wonder what made him want to now...

Later, after watching a few movies, I went to sleep on the couch, and Gamzee slept in his room. We all used the human beds now, rather than what we used on Alternia. We kind of gave up that lifestyle actually... Anyway, we both fell asleep; it was really cold in the living room though, and there was only one blanket. So it was sort of hard for me to get to sleep.

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