Chapter 45: Let The Truth Be Told

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Chapter 45: Let The Truth Be Told

"I don't understand." I said still beside Carter. Zoe shook her head, and came closer to me and Carter.

"Niall." Carter huffed and walked out of the room with his arms crossed. I looked at the door and then to Zoe. Right now, he can wait.

I grabbed Zoe and pulled her to sit down on the bed with me to explain what was happening right now, or how she got in.

"He's in love with you." She said looking at me with tears her eyes.

As I was about to open my mouth for a reply, my door was flung open. Again. This time by the one and only Harry Styles with a small smile on his face. Something's going on.

He looked at me, then to Zoe giving her a sympathetic look. What? "Hey... hide now!" He didn't even let us answer him before pushing us both into the closet. "Stay here and don't make a sound." He whispered closing the door.

Zoe didn't have any energy to say anything so she just nodded leaning her head on my shoulder. I awkwardly put my hand over her shoulder. Gosh, I don't really have any other friends than the boys and Carter so I'm not used to the one comforting people. Well, I did it to Zayn in the dream, but that wasn't real.

"I wonder why we're hiding in here." I whispered.

"Maybe he's trying to keep you away from someone who loves you." Zoe whispered sadly.

"If you're talking about Niall, I doubt Harry would do that. They don't fight over dumb girls because they're best friends. And if it is, I don't get why. It should be you." I replied. Nothing I said was a lie. Or I don't think it is. Harry isn't suppose to lie and do deceiving things to his best mate. I also doubt Niall is in love with me. Even if I wish Zoe's words were true, I doubt they are.

I'm nothing special, or 'HOTT'. Specifically a model. Nothing to fight over or worth auguring over. Trust me.

"You don't know."

~*Harry's POV*~

Okay, I know lying is a bad thing, especially if it's one of your best mates, but this is love that is on the line I'm fighting for here. Niall broke her and I'm trying to prevent that from happening again. I also know that I've done the same, but it won't happen again.

Niall came to Paul's house pounding on the door. Once I opened it, Niall came rushing in with his eyes red and watery.

"Where's Haylor?" He asked quickly.

"She's with Paul." My lie came out better than I thought it would have. Maybe if I wasn't friend zoned right now, things would have been better. He huffed and pulled out his phone. Crap. He's gonna call Paul.

"Niall?" Niall took his eyes off of his phone and looked up, as did I, and turned to face Carter with an unreadable expression. I forgot he was here too. "If you're looking for Zoe, she's the room talking to Haylor." Carter rolled his eyes and walked away with one of the saddest expressions I've ever seen him with. Ever since he's been here, there was always a smile on his face. He reminded me of a cockier Louis, but now, his face is hurt and sad.

Niall turned and faced me with an angry expression. "I thought you said she was with Paul." He gritted through his teeth.

I shrugged my shoulders nervously. "I thought she was."

He sprinted to the room and opened the door with so much force. We all know what he was here to do. And it was all on me to stop it. It can't happen. Not on my watch.

I followed him into the room praying that the girls were keeping quiet, but my way doesn't seem like it would want to happen.

They were whispering. Haylor was trying to comfort Zoe quietly because Zoe was asking what she did wrong.

Niall glared daggers at me, and walked to the closet ready to open the door, but it swung open.

"Hayl?" Niall asked quietly.

He walked closer to her but she kinda took a step back with Zoe and looked down at the ground. Score! No wait, that was mean.

"Zoe?" He asked.

They both didn't say a word as I stayed in my spot watching them three.

"I'm sorry." He whispers quietly to both of them. "I screwed up everything. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Haylor looked up first. A bit of sadness and anger in her eyes. Now, what?

~*Haylor's POV*~

"Niall," I started. "Look, you obviously did. Look at Zoe, you hurt her because of me, and you don't know how guilty and sad i am by that. I interfered with that." Zoe looked up.

"You hurt her too Niall. I bet you used me to get her jealous, didn't you?" Zoe hissed.

"No-no. It was nothing like that."

"You guys need to work this out." I whispered.

Niall looked at me pleadingly, but I ignored him and walked out of the room with my head down.

Harry followed me closely behind me. "Hayl, wait." I stopped at looked at him. "Before you think anything, I was trying to protect you and Zoe from any fight that was going to happen."

I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him. "Thanks Haz, but I don't need protecting."

I felt him kiss my head, but this time was different. Instead of what I thought were huge sparks, there were only little butterflies.

I pulled away and walked to the living room to find Carter watching TV.

"Hey." He looked over at me confused. "Niall and Zoe are working out their problems." I gave him a sad smile.

"Do you like him?" Carter flicked his hair to the side of his face and gave me a sad look. "It's okay if you do. Just know we'll always be best friends, and if he steals you away from me, someone's gonna get their butt kicked." I giggled at him but nodded. "Also, I'd be better if we just stay friends." His smile was a smile, but it was a sad one. I leaned on Carter and he put his arm around me. "If he breaks you... that guy will pay. I'm always here." He kissed my head lightly like Harry had done earlier and like before, everything magical that I had once experienced was now gone. It was just a innocent and friendly kiss.

After a couple of minutes, Zoe came out of the room and walked out of the house. Before, she gave me a sad smile and small wave.

"Hayl," his voice called making me get up from Carters shoulder. "Can I talk to you?" Carter ushered me to go on, and I did. I followed Niall to our room and we sat down on the bed.

"Look... I really like you."

(A.N. sorry for the long wait. VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLOW ME BECAUSE I FOLLOW BACK! Also, can I ask for a favour? Can you get this fanfic out there. Like tell all your Wattpad friends. It would mean so much. Can't wait for you guys to read the ending! VOTE! Oh, buy Story Of My Life tomorrow on iTunes!)

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