Chapter 1

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Raidon's pov
"Every one up, now!"
As I shouted everyone jumped out of bed surprised at my yelling. I looked a crossed their faces the one that seemed the least asleep was Lynx.
"Dad why are we up the sun hasn't even risen yet," Sorine asked while rubbing her eyes and yawning.
"Because the cousins asked me to put together a team of the best mages, and they weren't happy with my selection of kids. So starting today we train until we pass out. Now every one get ready and meet me in the court yard in 15," I said as I turned and closed the door.

Aiden's pov
As he left I turned to go use the restroom, Lynx was already getting ready in there. I looked around and saw the girls had found their secure spots.
I waited until Lynx to finish and as soon as he stepped out I ran in and got ready as fast I could. When I left Nixie was standing there getting ready to brush her teeth.
"Excuse me," I said as she just nodded and walked in.
I walked out putting on my hoodie as Lynx out ice over his eyes. What is wrong with him and Nixie they seem so secretive. He keeps his eyes covered and Nixie doesn't talk for the life her. The only person I know about is Sorine and that's just because she is in like ever history book due to her father.
"You going to move or stand there all day," Lynx asked.
I realized I was standing in the door way blocking every one in side.
"Oh yeah sorry."
We got into the court yard and Raidon wasn't even there.
"If he was going to make us get up early he should at least be where he told us to be."
"Your right Aiden but don't mock the paladin like that," Sorine said.
"You know she is right Aiden," Raidon said as he appeared to the left.
"It's dark right so let's start with laps around the house, go," he said as he pointed to his left.
"How many do we do," I asked.
He just smiled, "until I say stop."
And with that we took off. Lynx was the fast and behind him me. Nixie and Sorine seemed to be at same speed so they just ran together.
I was doing fine until around the 28th lap. I had learned to run fat and keep stamina while living on the streets with my brother, but this was outrageous. Lynx seemed to actually getting faster, and Sorine and Nixie where no where to be seen. I stopped running at the front of the house where Raidon was at.
"How long are we going to do this? Sorine and Nixie are so tired they can't even get up, and Lynx, well he is fine but some of us didn't grow up in the wild."
"I know that's why I'm having you guys run. It's to get you used to each other capabilities. Lynx has stamina unlike any human, you're running until he says stop not me."
"Damn and I supposed I can't just ask him?"
"Nope when e stopes is when you hush can, so keep running."
I turned and went straight to Sorine and Nixie.
"Look we don't stop running until Lynx does so we have to push pass out limits until he is tired himself ok."
They just looked at me like I was insane.
"Are you serious run until he is done. He has run 56 laps and hadn't even broken a sweat," Sorine said as she stood up.
"Yes I'm serious lets go."

Lynx pov
I'm starting to get tired. I may have grown up in the wild and learned to run at great distances but this was to much for even me I have to stop or my legs might give out on me. I turned the corner and saw the others huddled up. Good I can stop when I get there.
Once I was there I stopped and every one looked at me with relief.
"Look Raidon is making us run because you have unbelievable stamina, and I'm guessing he will make us do the same for our capabilities," Aiden said.
"Well I can't run anymore, so let's go to Raidon."
"Yes please," Sorien said as she walked off toward her father.
Once we got to him he just smiled, "So how was the run."
We didn't say anything.
"Well worth a shot. Ok next warm up, all you Gus have to do is steal this rock from my hand with out using magic."
I looked around and saw Aiden's face look serious.
"My brother made me do this test are you mocking him?"
"Oh no I'm not its just stealing things is what you did on the street wasn't it?"
"Ok let's behind then Raidon. Guys please don't interfere."
"Ah yes you guys aren't trained in thieving so while he tries to steal this from me I want you guys doing push ups. Go!"
We all stepped back and started doing push ups, and when I looked up Aiden was gone. Wha the hell was e using magic? No Raidon said no magic, but he did say something about trained in thieving. All of a sudden Aiden appeared next Raidon and then disappeared again.
This went on for a while and my arms started to hurt I looked over to see Nixie had passed out Sorine was barley still going. Come on Aiden steal it already!

Aiden pov
No matter where I kept appearing to he seemed to know where I was going. I hadn't tried reaching for reg Rock because I could see the electricity on his arm. It had a pattern that seemed to be opposite of my disappear and reappear pattern. I looked over at the others and saw they weren't doing so good. Damn if I don't hurry I'll start getting tired too.

(A/n well that concludes the first chapter exactly 1000 words in the story plus what ever is down here in this note, but I though this would be a good start just show what every one's strong suit was. And don't worry Nixie will actually be good at something in the next chapter probably if not defiantly the third one. I guess you can call these filler chapters but I'm not because is just telling the start of the team and their struggles. Well hope you enjoyed thanks,and this was and extra 96 words.)

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