Chapter 6: VISIT ME PLEZ

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Then I realized. I still had one friend.


I grabbed my phone out of my purse, and called her.
"Who are you calling?" Max asks
"The only friend who didn't leave me." I reply

"Hello?" I hear her voice say
"Hey Onyx. It's me, (Y/N)!" I giggle a little bit.
"OMG! (Y/N)! Hey! I haven't seen you in forever? What's wrong did something happen? Oh god please tell me Ross is okay..." Her voice was worried
"Don't worry, your senpai is fine. But I just wanted to tell you I'm in Seattle!" I say
"Oh thank goodness, wait.....I DONT LIKE ROSS OK!? And wait, you are in Seattle? GURL I MISS YOU! YOU NEED TO COME VISIT ME!" She yells, laughing
"Heh, yea that sounds fun. Remember that park we used to hang out at? Meet me there in, 47 minutes?" I say
"Why 47? Why not 45 or something?" She asks confused
"Because I'm weird and I want to be different." I giggle
"Okay..... Well I'll see you soon then!" She laughs as we say goodbye and hangup. I grabbed Max's hand and ran into Ross's office not caring that he is recording with Adam.
"YO ROSS I NEED YOU AND MAX TO DRIVE ME SOMEWHERE IN 47 MINUTES!!!" I scream in his ear. I can tell it scared him, because he screeched. Me and Max start laughing.
"Why can't Max just take you?" He asks me
"Because I want you to be there and you will take me since you are a good brother." I say smiling sweetly with puppy dog eyes, while batting my eyelashes.
"UUUUGH! Fine. Why do you need to go somewhere." He says, slightly annoyed we are interrupting him recording.
"Remember Onyx? Well me and her are meeting up there."
"Why is Max going?"
"Because he's stupid." I giggle
"HEY!" Max yelled
"Don't be so Mad Max." I say turning to him with a serious look on my face.
"But seriously, why am I going?" Max asks
"Because if your only friend wanted to meet you and you asked me to come I would go with you." I smiled at him
"Ok then..." He says
"Well bye Ross!" I skip out of his office back into the box room, making a little fort in there.
"IM A PRETTY PRINCESS!!!" I screamed a little too loud, not meaning to scream at all. Max came running in and saw me inside a fort of boxes, and burst into laughter. Falling to the floor laughing so hard.
"Stop laughing at me. I'm a pretty princess!" I put on a huge derpy smile
"Lady Butt Butt Butt has arrived!" He says in his butt knight voice.
"PROTECT ME MY FINE KNIGHT!" I yell in a Butt Knight voice. Next thing I know, everytime someone walks in front of the box room, Max tackled them screeching "I NEED TO PROTECT LADY BUTT BUTT BUTT FROM ALL EVIL!"

"Hey Max it's time to go!" I say to him. We grab Ross and leave the offices. Until IT happened. Until HE showed up. He was ruining my life.


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