O manny O

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-he is pudgy
-his overalls are hand me downs from his dads
-racecar bed!!
-loves racing games and wants to be in NASCAR when hes older
-probably around 6 or 10
-fave food is chicken or sweets
-doesn't like eggs anymore
-tbvh loves Notepad and Tony, can KINDA stand Colin but h a t e s shirgnold and will honestly bawl if hes anywhere near him
-he loves his dad!!!so!!!much!!!
-his mom left for another man but roy told Manny she left for a "vacation"
-Still drinks from sippycups
-His hat was a gift from his mom before she left
-dopey child
-anxiety and ptsd
-he still loves sticks fuck u shirgnold
-he isnt the brightest at all and he needs in detail expiation for nearly everything
-would be dead without harry tbh
-meat guy scares him rlllllly badly too but hes trying to warm up to him
-v hyper son he loves playing and going to the parks!!!
-wants everyone to be happy uwu
-dont ever talk to him about oil or lamps

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