Dream Catch Me - Chapter Thirty Seven

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I think it is needless to say that I didn't sleep much that night. Images of Lewis standing on my street looking up into my room haunted me and I had to resist the urge to get up and check he wasn't still out there. Joe had made me promise that I would tell him if anything got out of hand or I was in danger, yet I couldn't see how I could bring this up with him. I couldn't casually start a conversation with, "Hey! You know Mr Lewis? Yeah, he's been following me."

Joe would think I was mad and was making up some insane story and he definitely wouldn't believe it. Lets be honest, who would believe it? Teachers are supposed to be noble and trustworthy to whom you entrust your education with. They wouldn't believe the screwed up girl who got beaten by her mother; especially not over a charming man who hasn't done anything wrong in the past. I struggled to understand how I could get rid of Lewis. Obviously trying to stay under his radar didn't work, it only brought more attention.

I lay in bed thinking of possible outcomes and none of them looked good. It would eventually end up with someone getting hurt, someone being betrayed and someone absolutely destroyed. It would most likely be that the 'somebody' would be me. The light from the early spring suns tarted to seep into the room, but I didn't feel like I could get up and pretend like noting happened last night.

Eventually I rolled out of bed and crawled my way across the bedroom to the door. I opened it and was met with a sickly burning smell coming from the kitchen area. I wandered over to find two mounds on a rack. One was so black I initially thought it was a piece of coal, the other a dark rich brown only burnt around the edges.

"Geez," I muttered, afraid to poke it, let alone be able to eat it. I walked over the cupboard and poured myself some cereal with milk. Sitting down at the table I mindlessly ate breakfast, trying to steer my thoughts away from Lewis; the burning smell was helping.

"Jane!" Alex called out as he emerged form the bedroom. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" He shouted and ran over, enveloping me in a huge hug that had me spluttering for air. I dropped my spoon on the side of the bowl and a splash of milk dripped onto the table.

"You're not eating that!" He said, snatching away my bowl of cereal. I started to protest but he was adamant I wasn't eating cereal. "It's your birthday Jane! Your special day! And so I'm making pancakes!" he began to tip my cereal and milk down the sink as Ellie came into the kitchen.

"Babe," She said seriously. "You're not making pancakes. Need I remind you of last nights disaster?" She motioned towards the blackened mounds on the rack, causing Alex to look down ashamedly. "I'm sorry I can't cook!" He defended himself, but started laughing as he realised how black the 'cakes' were. "Okay, you do it then Ellie."

And she did. It was difficult to understand how the cakes turned out like they did, especially after tasting Ellie's pancakes. "How did that even happen?" I asked, pointing towards the disasters that still sat on the bench. Alex and Ellie shared a look and burst out laughing. When they finaly recovered enough to tell me, Ellie explained, "Alex put too time on the oven, which burnt it. So we made another one, but that time I put too much time on it because Alex got his finger stuck in the beater and distracted me."

"Hey!" Alex said, "That beater had it in for me!" All three of us were almost in tears from laughter and I began to think that maybe my birthday couldn't be too bad. I had a delicious breakfast and I was feeling much better, my injuries now a yellowish-brown colour that could easily be covered up. Deciding because it was my birthday, I was going to dress how I wanted, not how I thought Mr Lewis wouldn't want. I threw on my favourite jeans and T-shirt, then my khaki jacket that hadn't been worn in a while. I felt good, and tried not to let Mr Lewis bring me down before the day had really started.

I packed up my bag with my updated homework and slung it over my shoulder, making my way out to the kitchen. There I saw Alex and Ellie giving one last attempt to baking a cake. They hadn't noticed me standing just outside the kitchen and I stood there observing them.

"No!" Ellie shouted as Alex went to add more flour to the mixture. "We don't need more flour!" Alex chuckled and threatened to pour more of the flour into the mixture. She protested again, but failed to ignore Alex's finger dip into the batter and scoop a large amount onto his finger. Quick as a flash he swiped it right down her cheek. She didn't squeal but stood there with a look of utter disbelief on her face as the sloppy batter ran down her cheek. Ellie reached up to her face and wiped it onto her hand, scowling.

I knew I should've stepped in and stopped the full on cake batter domestic that was about to go down, but I wanted to see how Ellie would react, so I remained where I was watching from the lounge. Just as quick as Alex, if not quicker she swiped him across the forehead, leaving a brown smudge right across his face. They both stood there scowling at each other, all the while trying to not laugh. They were having an unspoken contest to see who was going to crack first.

While each of them didn't seem like they were going to back down I interrupted their little competition. "Guys?" I said tentatively. Both Ellie and Alex looked towards me, with that same look they were giving each other. "Whatever you're doing, can you please wait until I leave?" I asked. I started to walk towards the door, intended to leave. But just as I saw Alex swipe his finger into the bowl again, I didn't have enough time to react as he splattered cake batter across my cheek.

I gave him the same look Ellie had given him, yet with more scowling. As I wiped it off my face I came up with ingenious plan that I knew would leave him speechless. I pretended to gag as if the batter smelt disgusting. "What is this?!" I demanded. "What did you put in this?!" Alex looked absolutely dumbfounded as I raised the batter under my nose. "Here," I motioned to him and placed my hand near his face. He leaned forward to smell the batter, and just as he came close enough I used that opportunity to smack my hand right down his face, from forehead to chin.

A large smudge covered his face, but I wasn't sticking around to laugh or see his reaction. I made a run for it and sprinted out the door, shouting behind me, "That's for all those years of pranks!" As the door slammed shut behind me I could hear Ellie's spluttering laughter and heaving breaths. And just as I was going out of earshot, I heard Alex's laugh rumble out.

I was smiling as I left the apartment, and seeing that Mr Lewis was not outside waiting for me made it ten times better. I started to walk towards Al's, only a couple of doors down. The walk was nice, the spring air still warm like last night and the smell of blossoms was blowing through the main street. The occasional gust of wind brought blossom petals fluttering down the street, looking like snow flakes. I had to admit, that my 18th birthday was the best birthday I'd ever had at that point. I had woken up like any other person I knew to birthday wishes, and I had gotten my first present since I was about 6.

Being given a birthday that I would surely remember was a present within itself, and the happiness that overflowed from me almost made me want to skip. Obviously I didn't, but the feeling was there. I entered Al's with a huge grin on my face and walked right up to Jaz. "Hey!" I greeted, "Ready to walk to school?" She looked up from the till, reflecting my own happiness. "Jane!" she cried. "Why didn't you tell me it was your birthday? I can't believe I had to find out from your brother. Oh but Happy Birthday anyway!" I laughed at her awkward ramblings but thanked her nonetheless.

"Let's go!" She announced, fetching her bag from behind the counter and swinging her car keys around her finger. Jaz interrogated me non-stop on the way to school about my morning, and I was more than happy to oblige and told her to cake 'incident.' She laughed almost as much as Ellie had and I had to remind her to keep her eyes on the road.

But as soon as she pulled into the car park of the high school, a shadow seemed to loom over me. I tried to shake it, telling myself it was my birthday and I was supposed to enjoy it for once. But knowing that Mr Lewis, the one who had sat extremely close to me last night and followed me home was going to be teaching me, made it hard to be optimistic and positive. Jaz didn't notice my shift in attitude but continued to tell me she had an appointment and wouldn't be in biology with me. My breath caught in my throat as dozens of situations ran through my head.

If Jaz wasn't there, imagine just what he could do. I tried to calm down and assure myself that Lewis couldn't try anything in school, it was too risky for him. I settled more, knowing that I didn't have biology first period. "See you!" Jaz called out over her shoulder and ran off to her class before she was late. I had all the time in the world, it was my birthday! And my class was only 5 metres in front of me.

I tried to stretch out the periods leading up to biology but to no avail, fourth period finally rolled around, much to my dismay. I dragged my feet slowly and tried to get to class at the very last minute and not a second over, so to avoid getting a detention. There was no doubt in my mind that if I were even 5 seconds late, Lewis would have me sitting in his class after school for a 'detention'. The bell rang overhead as I stepped over the threshold.

"That was a close one Petal," I heard from my right. I snapped my head back to match the whisper to the person, yet I already knew with the name 'petal' exactly who is was. I glared at him, but said nothing. How could I? The class was now almost silent and it would most definitely be heard. I slinked to my seat and slipped into it, watching as the eyes of my peers stared me down. I had gotten used to the idea that I was never going to shake the title of 'new girl' until another new person showed up, which I highly doubted this late in the school year.

I watched as Mr Lewis paced back and forth throughout the lesson, teaching stuff I had already learned to try allow myself to not focus in his classes. He became animated about the ins and outs of biology, as I sunk further into my seat. When the class finally was let out I tried to sprint out of the class, trying to be the first out. Isn't always the case that when you are trying to go faster, there's always something trying to slow you down? In this case, it was the chair leg had looped around my bag.

I bent down to untangle it as fast as I could, but unfortunately not fast enough. I could almost laugh at the cliche timing, I mean seriously? Come on! I guess I'd always had bad luck, and even my birthday was not an exception. "Ah Petal," his slimy voice called out across the classroom. I shivered in fear and slung my backpack over my shoulder, hugging it close to my body. "You keep telling me you don't want me, but then you find ways to run into me. A bit contradictory if you ask me.." He trailed off, insinuating I had my bag stuck on purpose.

I started to walk towards the door, hoping that if I ignored him he would give up and go away. Fat chance that was. He too walked towards the door and as my hand clutched onto the handle his slammed down on the door, holding it shut. I hated myself at that point, for getting in another situation where I was helpless and without any witnesses. But then again, I guess Lewis always made it like that; making sure no one else was around.

He was smart after all, I couldn't deny that. But he also seemed to let his emotions get in the way of his common sense. "Now my darling Petal, you better run along." He slid his hand down from above my head on the door, so that it was behind my neck. He said one thing, but he meant another. I felt the warmth radiated from his hand, and I felt the little hairs tickle my neck too. Lewis simply ran his hand down my throat, making me feel sick.

Jane! I had to snap at myself. Lewis had been distracted by his emotions again and forgotten about the door. I casually slipped my hand behind my back and gripped the door handle, pushing it down and hoping he wouldn't notice. There was no way he was going to know. I saw a fire in his eyes, fuelled by lust. Since Shannon had gone, there was no girl always there for him when he 'needed' it, during class, lunch or after school. No doubt that he had other girls, but no one easily accessible like Shannon.

I thought back to Shannon's email for a split second, and remembered how she had warned me. It was enough force I needed to muster up the courage to push the handle down and bring it forward just enough so I could slip out of the class. Luckily my bag didn't get stuck this time, and Lewis let me go. I dared to glance back as I rounded a corner, and I saw Lewis till standing in the doorway with a small smirk on his face, and a glint in his eye.

It was the same glint I had seen last night from my bedroom window. I rounded the corner, and ran straight into a hard chest, sending me sprawling to the floor and landing on my backpack. A deep chuckle made me realise it was Joe, and as I looked up I saw him staring down at me with an amused smirk on his face. He pounded his chest with his fist and exclaimed, "You got nothing on this!" If I were in any other mood I would've laughed, but the encounter with Lewis made me smile half-heartedly.

Joe seemed to notice and immediately asked, "What's wrong?" as he offered his hand for help. I grabbed onto his hand, enjoying the warmth of his touch that sent a nice feeling through me. My spirits perked up a bit at the sight him, and it was then I realised that he always had this effect on me. Whenever he was around, I felt ten times better than I had just a second ago.

"Oh nothing, I'm just worried for these exams," I lied and looked away, hoping he hadn't seen my face when I lied, knowing he would be able to decipher what I really meant. "Oh you'll do fine Jane, but I'm here if you need me. I may be more helpful than you imagine." He flashed me a grin that automatically made me smile in return. Joe scrunched up his face, "Actually, anything but calculus. What is the point of that anyway?" I giggled and thanked him.

"You don't look like a maths kind of guy anyway." I pointed out. "You're not nerdy enough." Joe shook his head slowly in a disapproving manner, "I am plenty nerdy thank you Jane. But let us not talk about that right now. How about....?" He trailed off and put a hand to him chin, stroking it in mock thought. "Oh!" he shouted out, again in mock realisation. "Happy Birthday!" He almost yelled, an evil glint in his eye. Luckily no one else was around and could feel my embarrassment.

He chuckled at my discomfort. "Oh Jane, a birthday is a good thing. Celebrate it!" I glared at him mockingly, "I'm good thanks. It's just another day to be honest. A birthday won't get me out of a test or an essay." Joe seemed to understand but still held the same expression that made me smile from ear to ear. "So how old are you now? Like 15?" he asked.

A surge of anger flowed through me, "No! I am 18 thank you!" I cried adamantly and crossed my arms over my chest. Immediately after I said this, he started laughing to the point where I thought he was having a stroke. "Your. Face!" He spat out between breathes. "Oh priceless Jane. You never fail to amuse me!" I rolled my eyes, but a giggle escaped my lips. "Well I'm glad i can be your source of entertainment." I said sarcastically.

"Oh come one Jane! Don't be like that! In fact, you seem much older. A sense of wisdom about you gives you a couple of years more maturity over anyone of these stupid teenage girls in here." Joe's face turned completely serious and caused me to become all embarrassed, especially when he mentioned being 'wise'. "Okaaay," I said tentatively.

"Anyway, jokes aside. I guess I'll see you tonight at your party am I correct?" I nodded and assured him it was tonight. "Awesome, well I've got to run." Joe said glancing at his watch. "I had a staff meeting about 10 minutes ago. I'll see you last period," he said and jogged off before I could say goodbye. I watched as he jogged off down the hall towards the staff lounge. I felt a small tug in my stomach and feared what it was.

I didn't want to become needy. God knows that I would be the least needy person in the world, I basically raised myself when Mother didn't want to do it. I had been teased for years, and the insults and name-calling had all made me stronger and taught me to never rely on anyone. But as Joe had stood in front of me with his sparkling green eyes that seemed to calm me down, I felt extremely needy, the tug I had felt. I felt like I needed him to hold me together when things got tough and to tell me things were going to be okay, even if they weren't.

It was a pity I felt that way, knowing that because he was my teacher, for one, and there was a small age difference that he would never look my way for anything more than friendship. But that feeling I got whenever I saw him, that could brighten the darkest of days, made me want more. I didn't care if he didn't want it, all I knew was that the hunger was not from food, but it was craving company, craving someone. And that someone was Joe.

I sighed heavily in disappointment, and glanced around to check if Mr Lewis was still loitering around his classroom. Thankfully he wasn't and I let out another sigh, this time one of relief. I wandered down the old lino corridors until I came across the courtyard, where I slipped in through the door. I sat down after spotting Fletch and Jaz together on the small bench. I fished out my sandwich with a quick hello from each of my best friends before they went back to focussing on each other.

'Focusing' really wasn't the right word. I groaned loudly, distracting them for a split second. "Please stop feeding each other!" I cried dramatically. "I can handle the cuddling while I'm eating, but the feeding is taking it too far!" Fletch grinned cheekily and kissed Jaz on the cheek as she squealed. "You know what?" Fletch pondered. "We need to find you your own man. So we can go on couple dates! Oh and couple movies! Couple everything!" Fletch cried out and pulled Jaz closer to him in a bone crushing hug.

She started to protest, but only so she could talk to me. "Jane, he's right. I'm going to find you a man, and I know exactly who." Jaz smirked at me, and squinted her eyes teasingly. "Just you wait Jane, he likes you I know it." I groaned loudly and threw my hands up in the air, almost letting go of my lunch. "Firstly!" I started my rant, "I don't need a 'man' I'm perfectly fine by myself. And secondly, I just wanted you to stop feeding each other, not find me a 'man'!" As I finished my rant, the bell saved me from having to put up with any more cuddling, feeding or anything else similar.

"Thank the lord!" I cried out dramatically. Jaz and Fletch bent over in chuckles at my dsicomfort and watched as I scurried out of the courtyard. I threw the rest of my sandwich in the bin and rolled my eyes at what I had just been put through. I knew they had just been trying to make me happy, but I doubt first of all that Jaz could get Joe to like me, let alone be my 'man'. Their hearts were in the right place, but it didn't matter if theirs were, it depended on other people's hearts too.

I was glad they could be happy together, I just hoped they could be a little less clingy when I was around. I cursed my match-making skills as I glanced around the corridor to find Jaz for our next class, to see Fletch and Jaz in another embrace on someone's locker. I groaned again out of frustration and sulked towards my next class without Jaz.

Couples, I thought, aways letting us know who was still single. My classes ran through quickly, which was a relief for my birthday

After the period of the day, where I had to suffer through Jaz complaining about being away from Fletch, I had to run to my locker to get my books for my homework before I would make my way to geography. I rotated the lock for my code and it it snapped open. I pulled the metal green door open just as a piece of paper fluttered freely to the ground. I bent down to pick it up.

At first glance it seemed to be ripped from a book, and as I squinted closer I saw words like 'cells' and 'alleles' printed in sentences on the corner of the paper. And at first I thought it was a corner that had accidentally been ripped from my text book and went to throw it back in my locker for later. As I threw it, bright red letters on the other side caught my attention as it fluttered back into the bottom of my locker.

Confused, I reached for it again and turned it over. I gasped slightly at what the words read, and I was almost shaking in my boots. The words themselves weren't scary, it was the meaning behind them that struck me with fear. I placed the note slowly back down in my locker and tried to forget about it, but having the words run through my head like annoying song lyrics, over and over again made it difficult....

"I'll have you, Petal."

"I'll have you Petal,"

"I'll have you Petal....."

Well there's another chapter!I'm writing in all my spare time trying to finish this before the watty deadline. But a serious thought, would you want a chapter from Mr Lewis' point of view? Comment and tell me if you would! I can't decide! Please vote too! I want to try and get a rating on my book :-)

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