Chapter Nine

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"Very impressive, Miss Singh." Mr. Lockwood said as he looked into my resume. he closed my file and sat it on the table, then he leaned back in his chair and smirked at me. I felt a bit uncomfortable because right now he looked creepy and the tension of getting this internship is way too much for my mind. can't he just accept me or reject me.

"Do you know Miss Singh what your job will be?" he stood from his chair and walked near me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I will be your personal assistant Mr. Lockwood, I will be needed to help you in all the matters related to the Human Recourse department, I will assist you in all the meeting, And also take care of your needs?" I told him what I was told when I had applied here. but the last sentence came out all wrong and he caught it and looked at me with a bemused smile. oh shit.

"My needs?" he asked me with that arrogant smirk. why must all the businessmen be so arrogant? "I don't understand what you are saying. Can you please elaborate what you meant by needs." oh he was so enjoying this, I can see it on his face how much entertained he feels right now. He walked near to my chair and leaned back on the table right infront of me.

"By your needs, I meant making you coffee or tea or juice in the morning or breakfast and lucnch if you want, this is what the job description had mentioned in it." I told him confidently. He staryed laughing loudly and it for a second scared me but then he gave me his favorite sexy smirk.

"I assure you my dear Ananya..." he started and then took hold of the armrest of my chair, leaning down to the level of my face. He was barely a few inches away from me.

" needs are much more then just coffee and breakfast. " He came closer to my face and I pulled my head back and back but with him gripping my chair with his hand I could only move a few inch backward without brushing my lips with his.

His eyes didn't left my lips and mine didn't left his eyes, monitoring his every movement.

"What the fu** is going on in here?" An angry voice boomed around the whole room, letting us know of the presence of another man in the room.

", always on time. Meet my new personal assistant, Miss Ananya Singh." He said with irritation and let go of my chair and slightly turned it towards the door. I was more then happy with the interruption and so I turned my head towards the door and my heart skipped a beat as it looked straight in the eyes of a very very very angry, no he was beyond angry, he was livid. I took in his state and could feel the anger rolling off of him in waves and hit right at Mr Lockwood.

I woridily glanced between the two and saw Achilles glaring furiously at Mr Lockwood, his glare was so full of anger that it sent chills down my spine and I shivered in fear.

"Ananya, come here." Achilles spoke through clenched jaw and I just satred at him and then at Mr Lockwood who looked confused and amused and I could see that his smirk was making Achilles even more furious.

"I said come here." He looked at me with those brown eyes and I just sat there shocked at his behavior.

"NOW." He screamed so loud that I didn't gave a glance towards anything but the spot he was standing at. I stood up quickly and walked to him while I picked my file.

"If you walk out of this room now then you loose this job, Miss singh." A threatening voice came from behind me and I haltted in my steps. I stood in the middle of the room one side my job and the other side, I don't know what he is to me or why he is acting like this. But my gut feeling says that he is the one I should go with.

I turned towards Achilles who sood at the door impatiently waiting for me and on the othe side Mr Lockwood stood leaning against his desk and facing us. I did the opposite and turned to Mr Lockwood. My rest of the career depends upon this job.

"Take another step and you'll not only loose job here, you"ll loose any job opportunity in this whole country." Achilles threatened and I stopped and with a defeated sigh I walked back to him, leaving Mr Lockwood with his jaw clenched in anger.

If I wasn't aware of his power and strength and that he controls half of this world I wouldn't have taken his threat seriously.

"Good Girl." He smiled at me and looked behind me to smirk at Mr Lockwood. He took my right hand and intervened it with his left hand and stared walking to the elevator. I saw Mrs Evan's mouth fell open when she saw us walk hand in hand out of the office.

We entered the elevator and he pushed the button for the ground floor. A question popped inside my head and without thinking twice I blurted it out.

" He is your brother? " it came out mre of a statement then a question but he still nodded his head in agreement.

"My first cousin from mother's side." He said and this time I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

We reached the basement and he started walking and dragging me along since he didn't let my hand go yet. We reached a black Lamborghini and my eyes grew wide as I stared in adoration at the beautiful car.

He unlocked it for me and then after shutting my door he sat in the driver's side and after buckling his seatbelt he took my left hand that lay in my lap in his and satrted driving out of the parking lot.

"Where do you live?" He asked as he glanced at me and I told him the university name and he started driving towards it.

"Did he touched you anywhere? "He asked me without looking at me but I saw his jaw moving and his hands gripping the staring wheel tightly, to the point where his knuckles turned white.

I shook my head but he couldn't see me so I answered a no and he let out a relieved sigh. I took my phone out as it vibrated once, I unlocked it to see Casey's message but seeing as I almost reached the gates of university I put it back in my purse. He stopped the car and brfore I could stop him he walked to my side of door and unlocked it and helped me out.

After I thanked him he shut the door and I was about to walk away when he put a hand on the car from right in front of me, blocking my path. I turned to face him and saw him staring at my face. I looked at him expecting him to say something when his right hand came up to my face and he started to careers my cheek, my eyes shut close on their own, loving the way he was caressing me with care. But as soon as the touch came it was gone.

"I expect you to join your new job from tomorrow. Don't stop anywhere and just come straight to 60th floor of that building." He said softly and then he backed away to let me go.

I felt so embarrassed but continued to walk inside. I saw him leave once I was inside. But does that mean he is the owner of that company? I am guessing yes.

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