Chapter Twelve

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You know that time when you have a strong urge to throw a tantrum but your body wouldn't dare move an inch. Well, this is what is my condition right now I want to stand up straight slap him and then scream as much as I can at him and then walk out of this office to find another job.

But the intensity of his harsh glare had tied me down to this position and I can't move neither did he moved. After another five minutes he sighed. From the coffee table where he was sitting with me right in front of him and both his legs on both side of me blocking all the possible exit.

He leaned down close to my face and my first move was to lean back on the couch to maintain distance but my plan was crushed when he boldly tugged his right hand's middle finger in the dip of my dresses V. I was very much aware of the skin to skin contact right now but my body or mouth didn't dare do anything to take his finger out. He pulled me by there so thati was back into the previous posiyion and my face was so close to him that I could almost feel him breath right on top of my face, an by the way his breath smells heavenly good.

"Listen to me sweetheart, and listen very carefully because I won't repeat myself." He warned me and I obediently nodded my head and looked straight in his eyes.


My anger was out of control when I saw Chris's hand on her chest and she didn't do anything to remove it nor did she seemed bothered about him shamelessly touching her, in fact she seem to enjoy his touch and that is what infuriates me even more.

My mind feel so messed right now, one side I tell myself that this is just another girl that I met somewhere and want to fuc* her and then forget about her. But on the other hand seeing all those men lusting after her makes me furious.

I get so angry when I see her near another man that I want to rip their throats with my bare hands. I want to scream to every male lusting after that she is mine., no, no she isn't mine. A voice screamed at me in my head. But I don't want any other male near her. I screamed back in my head. Because you want her body all to yourself and seeing them near her will create more competition.

This time the voice sounded right, it's obvious that I want her all to myself untill I get enough of her and untill that I don't want any male near her because that will give me more competition. After my mental debate was over I finally sighed and leaned towards her and she leaned back.

I felt a rush of anger as she backed away from me but let that fu*ke* touch her body and she won't even let me get near her. I controlled my anger and tugged my finger inside her dresses deep V neck, it wasn't even that deep but my skin touching her gave me shivers of delight.

"Listen to me sweetheart, and listen very carefully because I won't repeat myself." I warned her in a very low voice and she nodded her head.

"Good girl."

"Now, if you wanna work for me or more specifically as my PA then there are some certain rules that you need to follow. If you break those rules then you loose your opportunity to do any job in the states." I told her, threatening her was my only option to keep her away from men and I will do everything under and beyond my power ti keep those fu*ke*'s awayfrom her, I'm not scared of the competition but I don't like sharing anything that's mine.

Her mouth fell open when she heard my threat but I didn't loose my composure.

"What do you mean I don't get any job opportunities in the states? I am educated enough to have a decent Job." She boldly said back but I could read her like an open book and the hesitation and fear was clear on her face.

"I can find a job on my own, you can't threaten me like this." She told me and a smirk made it's way on my face.

"Try me if you can, darling." I said it In a low whisper near her face so that my lips were almost touching her and the almost touch had such an electric effect on my body and I felt a strong urge to just kiss her senssessly right this moment. But I controlled it.

"Don't be so full of yourself Mr. Montigo, I will show you that I can find a job on my own and I will. It was really nice meeting you, have a good day." She said it right in my face just as near as I was to her lips that they slightly brushed mine every time they move. Her face was confident and it looked sexy on her.

She had the guts to speak in front of me but she didn't know that practically I control United states and if she walk out of here then she won't find another job in this whole country.

She pushed me backward and stood up, her breasts were right in front of my face and it fucking turned me on to the point I could feel it throbbing to get out and just get inside her sweet and delicious heat.

My legs were on both sides of her so she couldn't walk away untill I stand up and as soon as I stood our bodies colided with each other her full breast were brushing against my shirt and my erection was poking her stomach.

She started to feel around her stomach innocently to see what is moving there and when she finally found it, her eyes widened and her hand and body both flew back in order to get as far away from me as possible.

She almost fell back on the couch but I caught her in my arms before she could and pressed her body closer to mine feeling her touch and letting her feel the effect she have on me.

I leand my face closer to her and she shut her eyes close for something else and it made me smile.I know you want me too, baby.

"I'll be waiting for you, fiorella." With that I stood straight and let her go. I walked back to my desk and got busy on my computer but I have no idea what I was doing, all my focous was on the girl that was now rushing to get out of my office as soon as she exited I leand back in my chair, my mind drifting back to the day I first saw her on that plane while she slept on my shoulder.

I'll be waiting for you my dear fiorella. I thought to myself as I smiled and got back on work.


I didn't edited the chapter so there's a chance that there might be some grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Thanks to all the true readers of this book, you guys help me so much in writing.

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