Disney Movies and Junk Food

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When we finished getting the ice cream, chocolate and other junk food, we walk up to the fifth floor apartment in the building across from the hospital. Into a two bedroom, two bathroom, modern apartment.  “This is it, 5b.” Callie stated while walking into me while talking to Arizona, both of them behind me. “Whoa!” Callie says as she holds me upright. She steps in front of me while rummaging through her purse for the keys. My stomach turning at the anticipation and Arizona gestures me in after Callie. I stop in the doorway. I look around and it’s really clean, smaller than my house was, but perfect for three people.

“My parent’s house has never been this clean and I cleaned it every day.”

“Well thanks hun but you won’t have to worry about cleaning too much while you’re here, chores yes but we will talk about that later. Ok?” Arizona tells me.

“Okay!” I smile and start to take off my back pack but realize that I don’t know where I’m sleeping.  I look at them and they seem to realize that I don’t know where anything is.

“How about a tour, yeah?” Callie asks while Arizona goes and puts both of their things in what I presume is their room.  I nod my head yes and follow her around the apartment.

She points to the door that Arizona walked through, “That is our room, all you have to do is knock and you can come in,” she smiles sweetly at me and points towards the kitchen, “kitchen if it wasn’t so glaringly obvious,” I giggle and nod.  She points to a door to the right of the kitchen, “That’s your room, Christina and Owen used to live with us but moved out a month ago, so it’s all yours!”

“Can I go look in it?”

“Yea of course!”  She leads me into the room and I set my bag on the bed and look around touching the dresser and other furniture lightly.  I notice the en-suite bathroom and gasp.

“I get my own bathroom!” I exclaimed as I wander into it and look around.

“Yepp!” Arizona says as she joins us.  I turn to look at them and walk over to give them a hug.  “Thank you for saving me.” I whisper.  I feel them squeeze back and I hear their murmurs of you’re welcome and no problem.  I let go and turn back to the bathroom in awe.

“This shower is so awesome! I can fit like all my friends in here!”

“Well let’s not see that happen anytime soon huh?  At least not with the boys.” Arizona winks at me and I giggle. As I think to myself That will never happen. 

“Ok, but can I try it out now?  Oh and where is the washing machine and dryer?  I need to do some laundry I only packed a few outfits and one of them is a really nice one. I don’t think is appropriate for a lazy day.” I ask going over to my back pack and dumping out to reveal my pajamas, a couple shirts, a skirt and two pairs of jeans.

“This is all you brought?” Callie asks.

“Uh yea, I was in kind of a hurry to get out.  I figured that where ever I went that I could get more eventually, but its ok I know how to do laundry so it will last me until I can find more.”  Callie walks out and comes back a minute later with a white basket and sets it down by my door.

“Oh no, you can put your clothes in here and one of us will go do laundry. It’s in the basement and I don’t want you down there by yourself.  Plus now I know what you and Arizona can do tomorrow!” Callie exclaims clapping her hands.  Both Arizona and I groan a bit, apparently she hates shopping as much as I did.  That could actually work out in both of our favors, we would be in and out in an hour tops!

“You don’t like shopping?” Arizona asks me.

“Not really. Lots of people, plus putting on and taking off all those clothes makes me tired.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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