originally written march 8, 2013

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I thought you were the one and I wasn’t wrong ….

You were the one who thought you could control my life.
You were the one who thought you could douse my flame.

You were the one who made me realize my own strength, my own independence and my own will.
Through your mind control and manipulation, you were the one who tried to hold me down, but in the end it set me free.

I thought you were the one …. And I wasn’t wrong.

You were the one that brought me down so deep that I started to believe I was stuck in this situation. You were the one who tried to isolate me from the world so that I would have no one else to rely on but you so that it made me think I had nowhere to turn.

You were the one who tried to change me, to break my spirit, to believe that I didn’t deserve any better than what you gave me, or rather what you TOOK from me  …. But thanks to my family, my friends, and my own strength, I realized you were the one who COULDN’T keep me down, you were the one who COULDN’T restrain me forever.

Like a bird in a cage, I freed myself and before it was too late, I found myself again.  I found the passion, the drive, and the love of life that I used to have; all that you TRIED to take away from me.  But sadly, you underestimated the strength of my spirit, the power of my will, and my primal urge to be FREE and INDEPENDENT. 

You underestimated the blood of my father that runs through my veins; a man who knows what it REALLY means to be a father, a provider, a support system, and a friend.  It was the blood of the man who you tried to turn me against, that ultimately began pumping through my veins again, reminding me of the woman he taught me to be.  He taught to be strong and independent and to let no one push me around.  And it was his blood in my veins that brought the fight back inside of me. 

I thought you were the one …. And I wasn’t wrong.

You were the one that made me realize there is no one for me but ME.  There is no one that can give to me what I can give myself.  There is no one that can keep me down forever.  People may try and may succeed for a temporary time if I let them; but no one …. NO ONE can keep me from being ME. 
I told you that you were the one … and it was true. 

You were the one who lost out.  You were the one who thought love means control.  You were the one who thought you could CHANGE me … and YOU were the one that was wrong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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