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// do you know how much i crave the taste of your lipstick on my cigarette? // a larry smut one shot where louis is feminine and likes to wear make-up and nailpolish. and his best friend harry falls in love with him. they like to do fun stuff while smoking because they both can't live without those damn cigarettes.

"bye mom!" i shout as i step out of my house, closing the door behind me before leaving my garden.

it was currently 8:02 in the morning and i was on my way to school. i am meeting my best friend harry there to 'learn'. of course we weren't going to learn, we are both being held back this year.

i actually don't start this early but harry invited me so of course i couldn't say no. this is the first time he's had time for me since forever. nowadays he's only busy with his boyfriend zayn. uhg. their relationship isn't even a real thing.

as soon as i arrive at school, i try to hide my nerves and walk towards the smoker place, where we had agreed to meet.

as i'm nearly there, i grab my phone and check how i look. i decide to text niall before going in since he knows about my crush on harry:

to: niall ❤️

omg ni i'm so nervous, he's in there already

from: niall ❤️


i take in a deep breath before walking in.

and there he is. lazily leaning against the dark grey wall, his head softly banging against it, his hand holding a cigarette, between his delicate long fingers. he's blowing smoke rings and listening to the hard music sounding through his earphones. the black leather jacket showing off his strong arms perfectly.

"hey." i say.

his eyes snap open and he removes his earphones from his ears. "oh hey louis, sorry didn't see you coming in." he walks over to me and gives me a strong hug. "how are you love?"

my knees wobble slightly at his choice of words but i quickly recover. "i'm fine, how are you?" i smile as i inhale his strong scent of smoke, mixed with leather and aftershave.

"i'm great." he smiles as he pulls away from our intimate moment.

i grab a cigarette from my bag and put it between my lips, leaving a stain of nude lipstick on it.

i like to wear make-up and polish my nails. people seem to hate that about me, but not harry, he loves it when i wear lipstick. if it wasn't for him i'd probably be bullied every day. thanks to him i can be myself.

"you have some?" i ask and he get's a black lighter out of his backpocket, throwing it to me.

"thanks." i mumble before lighting the cigarette and taking a long drag.

i kick an old cigarette away on the ground and stare at harry for a few seconds. he's scrolling through his phone, his eyebrows furrowed in focus. i take another drag while smirking at him, which he is oblivious to.

all of a sudden his phone starts to ring and he let's out a theatrical sigh before picking up.

"what?" he asks, clearly annoyed by the other person.

i hear soft mumbling from the other person, not able to hear what he/she is saying. but by the clear annoyance of harry i can tell that it's zayn.

larry one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now