panic attack

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in which zayn is drunk and secretly in love with louis so he goes and show him that but louis has a panic attack and get's little flashbacks of when his dad mentally abused him when he was younger.

"you're so beautiful." zayn says whilst trailing his fingers along my collarbone.

"please don't touch me." i say squeezing my eyes closed.

"but how can i not touch your beautiful body?" he says with his drunk voice.

"zayn. please." i whisper.

then his hands slide down to my dick.

"no." i say, barely able to breathe.

"beautiful." he keeps repeating.

i can't breathe. i can't breathe.

"beautiful." he says whilst grabbing my neck.

i can't breathe.

"so beautiful." he whispers in my ear.

i cover my ears with my hands and scream. the tears rolling down my cheeks. i kick around, hoping to hit zayn.

i can't breathe.

"stop." i spit at him.

"beautiful." he replies.

then i hear footsteps.

"what the fuck is going on in here?" harry asks.

my chest tightens.

"he's so beautiful harry." zayn answers.

i scream my lungs out whilst still covering my ears.

watch your breath.

keep your eyes shut.

"zayn!" harry says.

i cry and scream at the same time which only makes it harder to breathe.

keep them closed you ugly piece of shit.

"get fucking off him man, what are you doing?!" harry shouts.

no shouting. no touching.

keep them closed.

"he's so beautiful." zayn says.

you're not, you're an ugly piece of shit.

"what did i say about touching him?" harry asks.

i press my palms insanely hard onto my ears. trying to let the sound fade away.

no shouting. no touching.

i start shaking because of my weird breathing patern.

no shouting.

you're ugly.

"ZAYN!" harry shouts.


no shouting.

press harder.

finally zayn lets go of me.

i scream. which i don't want to because screaming is bad.

really bad.

"louis?" harry asks.

"louis what's happening?" he asks concerned.

"t-t-touch..." i manage to say.

"i won't be touching you honey." harry says.

"what's going on?" liam suddendly asks.

"i-i don't know." harry's crying voice answers.

no don't cry.

you made him cry you worthless piece of shit.

you're good for nothing.


"i think he has a panic attack." liam says.

"what do i do?" harry asks.

"louis?" liam asks.

"louis are you alright?"

"of course he's not, you dumbass." i hear niall say.

when did he come in here?

"niall get him some water!"

i hear footsteps fading away and liam lightly touches my shoulder which results in me yelping and scooting furhter into the corner.

"here's some water lou." i violently shake my head and push him away with my feet.

"l-leave." i spit out.

"louis-" harry starts.

i yell so loudly my throat feels sore after, but the scream dies down into sobs.

the next thing i know is that harry punches zayn and zayn punches back and they're fighting.


"bro calm down!" zayn sounded offensive.

"niall let go of me!" harry shouts.

"this isn't helping louis, look at him! you should be there for him and not go and beat around people." i hear niall say and then a silence follows.

i flinch when harry's big hand wraps around my shaking wrist and for the first time since this all started i open my eyes, looking into his deep green eyes.

"i love you louis." he smiles and i sob in an answer.

he wraps his arms around me and i cry into his silk shirt until i finally drift off into a sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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