1 // marriage

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louis, his wings wrapping around himself as he sits on the cold ground, tries not to cry silver tears. because tears are silver in the angel world. and it scares him.

he watches harry sulk on the couch, cuddled into louis' favorite blanket. it's slowly breaking his heart to see his lover so shattered. louis knows harry can feel a presence, but is ignoring it, so louis stays invisible in the dead-silent flat.

it's a bit after six at night, and louis is done hearing harry's phone ring and keep ringing without pause. the older, faded boy sighs (harry can hear it, but brushes it off as wind from the open window), standing and making his wings flutter back into his spine.

the telly harry stares blankly at is whispering words that the news reporter is saying. they seem loud in his ears as his boyfriend is mentioned.

"louis tomlinson of the now-broken up band one direction, has been reported that he killed himself due to reasons unknown to the public. the idol of many is now gone, leaving his four best mates and millions of young girls in tears.

"sourses say that he was last seen at the pharmacy, picking up pills. then he was later seen walking back to his home, where fellow band mate, harry styles, found h--"

the tv shut off suddenly, causing harry to close his eyes as a fresh set of tears flood past his eyelids. broken sobs shuttered through his ribcage as memories upon memories crashed into his head.

he was heartbroken.

louis watches on as the now 22-year-old cries brokenly on the couch, and he (louis) is glad he shut off the power before harry heard anything else. silver tears now fell down his soft cheeks, washing away his old pain of hiding from the public, only to be replaced with new pain of hiding from harry.

he was heartbroken.


it's now two a.m. and louis is quietly watching harry sleep like he used to. he feels horrible. he thought that, sure, once i'm dead harry will move on and i won't be able to feel pain, but that's not how it went.

it went more like, louis is forced to be the worst angel in the underworld and on earth and in heaven, trying to watch over the one person he ever loved.

he felt like an absolute ass.

right now, he was remembering when he and harry were talking about getting married one day. once one direction was split up, and management wasn't locking down their feet with boulders, they would go to a small chapel and say i do and everything would be fine. everything would be great.

after the marriage was settled, they would think of getting kids. a boy with curly brown hair and blue eyes, and a girl with straight, feathery hair and green eyes. or something close to that, at least.

louis thinks back to it, now. his eyes water with unshed tears that literally shine under the dimmed lights. his wings are spread around him to keep his shivering, petite body warm, the apartment freezing over his tears like ice chips.

"oh, harry," he whispers, looking at the boy huddled up on the couch. "i'm so sorry."

in his sleep, harry shifts, alarmed by the soft rumble of jumbled words. his still-awake conscious, tucked away behind the sleeping thoughts, sends messages, ones that say it was louis. but harry's battle within himself that he doesn't even know is happening, well…he won't remember it. so the conscious loses. it wasn't louis, at least that's what harry will think.

one day soon, he will face the truth. the truth that the love of his life, dead to the public, alive in the hearts' of the other four boys, will be truly alive to harry.

 one day.


AN: this is probably very bad, and im very sorry, but i wanted to update for you all before i had a heart attack sO here it is :)

feedback is highly appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2014 ⏰

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