on my 1st day of 5th grade,i thought it was gonna be a fresh start for me. but no. i didnt know math like the other kids. i ate lunch by myself because they made fun of me. the kicked me at recess and pushed me around.
in 7th grade i was bulmeiac. i wanted to be skinny like the other girls. they called 'fat' and 'loner'.
i never eaten meat. i was so skinny my ribcages were showing. when i was 2 i started dance. i went to an abandone building and danced my heart out. i slowly started to eat all my nutrients...but that didnt work.
i got a razor and sliced it across my skin. girls said im a emo girl. my older sister died in a car accident. my best friend emma helped me and soon my scars went away and i wasnt bulmeiac anymore. i made new friends and finally had the best year of my life.
when i came on wattpad it was awesome. until dumbass rumors said i was mia/bella. newsflash,im not. then my sister was accused of being freaking 11. WHO GIVES A CRAP IF SHES ELEVEN! DONT YOU DARE TWALK LWIKE TWHIS TOO HER! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE SO PLEASE STOP! and her friend cutesade102 is 11 so beat that. just face it. youre defeated. let them write stories.
today im 16,dancer,and a perfect/not so perfect life. plz comment and thnx for reading my story. xoxo amanda bye :)