Chapter 1

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Tessa's Pov

Just two hours left. Then harry and I will land in Las Vegas. Just two hours left, and this spell created over us in the plane will end. Just two hours left, and then he'll forget that I have priorities too.

I've known Harry since such a long time now. And I love him dearly. When we decided to run away from Liam's wedding, I could not even realise what I was doing. I was too hypnotised by him.

This is what happens with me and Harry. As much as I want to run away from him, I can't when he appears in front of me. I can't help it when he's with me. My mind stops working and I make decisions that I usually regret.

While I was in New York, I realised that it's not possible for me to live far away from him, and now, seeing him sleeping next to my seat in this plane is making me question, did I make the right decision by running away with him? Will he consider marrying me? But I don't care about marrying him, until and unless he's with me. Until I know that he loves me and isn't going to leave me.

I stare out of the window and glance at the scattered clouds, shining like gold. My hands tuck over my bracelet, and without even reading it, my mind reads the precious words scribbled on them.

Whatever souls are made of, his and mine are the same.

"Earth to Tessa." Harry calls out to me with his dimpled smile catching my attention, and wanting me to hug him again. Maybe I was too buzy thinking that I did not even realise when he woke up.

"Hey, when did you wake?" I ask him, masking my confusion.

"Just now, when that lady's child started to fucking scream." Harry said, with an amused look.

I really like this playful Harry. It seems to amuse me that a person could be too different. Sometimes he's playful and sweet, the other moment, he's so strange and scary.

"What were you thinking Tes?" He asks me while planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Nothing, just wondering." I said.

"What?" He asked me.

"I was thinking about us. What will we do when we land? We haven't planned anything." I say. That's true. I'm in a habit of doing things in a specific fashion, but ever since I've met Harry, nothing has gone the way I wanted.

"I haven't thought about this before. Let's think about this when we reach there." Harry said and opened his arms for me.

Without thinking, I laid on his shoulder and he hugged me, while I forgot about everything that was on my mind some time ago. Maybe, after all, we can actually have an ending.

"Tess?" Harry murmured in my ear.

"Hmm." I responded by further settling on his chest.

"Have you thought about it? Do you want to marry me?" Harry asked me.

"Yes, maybe." I said and he planted a kiss on my lips.

Damn, I've missed him so much. Since the last time I saw him one year ago, I've read every single book he wrote and every interview he gave. I missed him so much while he was defending every single book when the critics were after him.

I cannot even imagine a life without him. Even in the one year when we hadn't spoken, I had always wanted him to call me, I wanted him to surprise me by showing at my apartment. But he never came.

But now we're together and I won't let any bad thought or any person influence me to change my mind. So without thinking anything else, I closed my eyes and let sleep consume me.

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