What you need to know

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Meet Lilly happy go lucky girl who is always reading ,singing,drawing or Hanging out with friends her biggest goal is to hook up with the cutest boy in her grade Jake Simons....but she knows that will never happen.

Now meet Vanessa Lilly's best friend they have been friends ever since forth grade and their sophomores in high school now. Vanessa is the same as lilly but..different from lilly, Lily likes country music while Vanessa likes rap song's by Lil wayne, Eminem and Vanessa likes to talk a lot while lilly stays to her self and stays quite and shy.

Next is Tyler the Bad boy,we all know that one Bad boy the one who gets detention all the time, the one that all the girls fall for,the one that goes from one girl to another to another and Tyler is that boy.

Last is Mark Lilly's Twenty year old ,older brother...well he is only older than her by one year. He is VERY protective of her because he is all she has. You see their parents died when they were both five when they were out visiting their grandparents, an intruder broke into their house killed their parents and stole thousands of dollars in family antiques.

Hope you enjoyed this little info page on who is all in the story but there will be more people to come in the story later on. So what are you waiting for go read more of this story...oh and comment on songs I should put in so you can listen to music and read.

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