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So after a long talk with Mark we came to an agreement that we would first go to Dave's for an hour or two and then we can go anywhere I want to go until the café opened.

So you are probably wondering what this café that we keep talking about is...well my mother before she past away she was planning on opening a café, my mother had put the café under my name because see said "I want you to have the place when I'm gone and then you can pass it to you daughter and she will pass it to her daughter and it will just stay in the family." The cafés name is going to "Mark's and lilly's." OK back to the story.

Probably after a good ten minutes of just relaxing and watching TV we leave to go to Dave's


We finally get to Dave's after a traffic jam that felt like it lasted for hours, after we pulled into the parking lot Mark told me to close my eyes it was weird...but I have to listen to him as we reached the door Mark knocked 3 times and then I heard the door open and Mark lead me into the house When Mark told me to open my eyes it was nothing but darkness and I then I heard the door slam behind me and the lights shot on.


As I looked around the room I Seen all my friends and all Mark's friends , until My eyes landed on the beautiful cake I picked out and before I could take another step Vanessa ran up and almost hugged all the air out of me " HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIATCHHH!!" she said as we both laughed and hugged each other. After having a 5 minuet with talk with Vanessa about how she thought all my brother's friends are and I quote "The hotest, strongest and cutest" boys she's ever seen I went to go say hey to everyone else.

After talking to everyone Mark said it was time to "Cut the cake" as Mark lit all twenty candles and I know what your thinking " I thought he was a year older than her" well he is but he just put it there and said it was "one to grow on." After all the candles were lit and the lights went out every one started singing happy birthday,then we cut the cake and started to open presents.

"Oh-Oh open the big pink one it's for me!!" Vanessa said. I laughed as I walked over to the big hot pink box and just as I was about to sit down the chair was YANKED from under me, I sat there a few seconds as anger consumed me as I heard who was was no other than the devil his self "DAVE!!!!" I yelled as I got up and started to chase a now a running Dave. " GET BACK HERE YOU
UGLY PICE OF TRASH!" I yelled at him "YOU HAVE TO CATCH ME" he yelled back while laughing his ass off. I grew angrier and angrier as I ran after him until an idea popped in my head. "Good luck getting into your house moron" I said as I ran back to his house and locked the door behind me. Only a few moments later did we hear the sound of banging on the door. "Open the door now...Mark tell your dumb sister to open the door" Dave yelled from outside, as Mark started walking to the front Door I sent him a death glare and he stopped in his tracks putting his hands up in surrender " Say your sorry" I yelled "NEVER " he yelled back "Then I gusse you don't want to get back into the would be such a shame if something got broken...or if your signed 5sos poster got ripped" I said in a sweet tone " No don't you dare... LOOK I'M SORRY OK CAN I COME IN NOW PLEASE DON'T RIP IT" he begged "OK that's all I wanted to hear" I said as i ulocked the door and let him in.

Then IT happened!!!!


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