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She sat alone. It was dark and fear tied her chest together. No, it wasn't fear. It was the black string that was stitches through her upper body from her waist to her bust. Blood was leaking from the stitches. She just wore a plain white dress, which was soaked in blood. A tree gave her cover from the light rain. The pain was overwhelming but hunger and thirst were much worse. After she had sat there for a few hours she passed out.

"Hey, can you hear me?", she heard a timid, female voice. She tried to answer but she only manages a slight smile. "If you are awake please let me know somehow", the voice continued. She slowly tried to open her eyes. They were flattering and finally opened. Over her was a white ceiling. That made her panic. Was she back at his house? Her body cramped which caused pain to rush through it. "Hey, everything is fine. No need to be afraid. You are safe", the voice from before said. She decided that the voice could be trusted and relaxed a little. "Good that you are awake. My name is Lynn. I brought you here." A girl with black hair came into her field of view. "Do you think you can sit up?" She nodded slightly and started to move. Lynn helped her but she shivered under the touch of the warm hands. It remembered her of him. Lynn must have noticed it because she pulled her hands away. "Is everything okay?", Lynn asked. "Thirsty", was her answer. Lynn took a glass of water from the nightstand and gave it to her. Although it was just clear water it felt amazing for her. Slowly drinking, making sure not to spill anything she emptied the glass. Lynn took it back and asked: "What's your name?" "I don't know. He called me puppet." "How do you want me to call you?" She thought for a moment before she answered: "Mei. I now that name from somewhere." "Fine. Mei. Who is 'he' you talked about?" Mei's body cramped again from thinking about him. Lynn noticed it and took her question back. "It's okay. You don't have to answer that." Mei seemed somewhat thankful. "Is it okay if I go and look for the doctor now, so she can check your wounds?" "Doctor?" "You are in a hospital. My mum is the doctor here and she can take care of you."

"Will it take long?" "No, I'll be right back." "Okay, can you bring something to eat too?" "Of course I can." Lynn nodded and left the room. Mei was alone again. This remembered her of back then. Before she ran away. Before he hadn't locked the door after he had worked on her. She almost began to cry but in that moment the door was opened and Lynn returned. She had a white plate with food with her and was followed by a woman in a white coat. The woman had black hair just like Lynn. Lynn handed Mei the plate and a fork. The plate contained rice. "Thank you", Mei thankfully said and began to eat. Lynn and the doctor waited patiently until she had finished her meal. She felt how a little energy returned to her body. "My name is doctor Raven", the woman introduced herself. "May I look at your chest? Last night we removed the string from your chest and I want to check the wounds." Mei nodded shyly and pushed her blanket away carefully. With the exact same caution doctor Raven pulled up the nightgown Mei was wearing and unwrapped the bandage to reveal the wounds. Lynn stared at her. She had never seen such a damaged person. Mei looked down at herself but looked away almost instantly. Half her chest was covered with stitches but at least they were clean. He had never cleaned her wounds so well. Doctor Raven checked Mei's chest and nodded confirming. "As far as I can tell by now your body is responding very well to the treatment." "Thank you doctor", Mei responded. "I'm doing what I'm capable of", the doctor said. Mei smiled at her thankfully. "Okay I have to go now. I think Lynn is going to stay here a little longer", she added after she had wrapped new bandages around Mei's chest.

"Your mum is friendly", Mei stated towards Lynn. "Yes, she is", the raven-haired confirmed. "How did I get here?" "We saw you lying under a tree when we drove past it last night. Mum decided to pick you up and bring you here. She immediately removed the string and cleaned your wounds, to avoid any infection." "Why would you do that? Now I'm just a burden to you." "Don't say that, and for her reasons... I don't know. I think that's just how she rolls. She seems to live her job", Lynn explained. "Thank you", Mei said in an accepting tone.

revenge (a puppet's story)Where stories live. Discover now