Life at its END.

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It is not length of life, but depth of life.

Adam is a sixteen year old boy, Skinny and tall with a brown skin, black hair and blue big eyes, his mind was seems like a man in the middle of twenty, he was so friendly and kind and has a charming personality.

Adam was born in Baghdad, he had lived a very poor life with many difficulties and the humiliation of the life, his family consists of; his father Dr. Joseph, tall and classy man with brown skin and black eyes, he is a professor in Baghdad university, and his mother Jasmine that beautiful woman, she has soft white skin with long black hair and her beautiful blue eyes, she was a wonderful housewife. They were very happy, grateful family, with a big hope in their hear.

No one can live without love; all of us need love to live. Adam knew how to love; he also was so addicted to love. Suzan the beautiful, kind, and sweet girl with brown long hair, and amazing black eyes. She was live in the same neighborhood, from very rich family, they lived the same childhood, they were the same age, they were best friends, and she is also the only child from her parents.

In holidays Adam works for his family, to make money instead Suzan she was traveling all the time, she was spending all her money to bring gifts for Adam, and Adam always used to surprise her, and that what make her love him more and more. This pure, lovely, happy relationship can be last forever.

All what we want in life is growing up peacefully, all of us have problems in our life, but we can get over it, all of us sacrificed about thing we love to get better life, some of us was thinking about the day after today, and some was thinking about what we will do in the future in general, we are still thinking about the future but are we sure that we will live that life that we imagine it in our head? Are we sure about having a comfortable life without any problems that will effects our life? . I used to say that I will never change my place, I will be in my country, I will marry and I will have kids in the same place and, and, and... Until now, I dare u if there is anyone changed his place more than me.

In 2003, Iraq, Bagdad (Adam was 24 years old)
The war started, the life of Iraqi people went upside down, the number of killed people, orphans and widows started to increase day after day; they started to see killed people throw on the street. Many families started to travel to the neighbor countries to safe their life...

One cold night, Adam was sitting and he was studying and he was playing some music,"what is that? What happened?" Adam screamed, ''ooh my GOD, please help us GOD what is happing" Jasmine said that with crying eyes." keep calm we are ok, they are exploding some building outside, don't worry my lovers don't worry" the father was encouraging them a lot, but in fact he was afraid like them or maybe more, Adam was afraid about his family, about his love Suzan, he catch the telephone, he was trying to call her "Oh damn there is no network" he was thinking, what he should do now? He couldn't go out, there is fires everywhere, that day was so hard to him " I must go out, I must see Suzan, I can't wait, I'm afraid, she told me that she will go out today with her friends, I must go out now looking for her" Adam says that to his parents and he was crying, he was afraid to lose her, how could he move on in his life without her, how could he let her go," darling please be patient, I beg you don't go out now, I can't handle the idea of losing you" his mother was very downhearted and her face was covered by her tears. "Adam" his father said that with sad tone "Adam please be with us" Adam was so confused about what she could do, he tried to call her one more time "come on honey come on, answer me please answer me" he was saying that many times and then " hello, Adam are you ok? " she answered the phone with pained voice " Oh baby I thought you would never answer me, how are you? Don't be scared I won't let anything bad happened to you, I'm with you baby" he tried not make her sad or afraid about what is going on, but she never stopped, she was crying badly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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