The FourFold Trap

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Leo's POV

After I helped Raph, The bricks pulled apart by itself, so we walked through only to see Donnie standing there. I raised my non-existent eyebrow as to say "How did you get out?" I moved slowly to Donnie with Raph still leaning on my arm.

"I was able to solve the puzzle easily." He said smugly.

"Ahhhhhahhhh." I heard a scream which could only belong to Mikey. I let go of Raph and ran to the other side of the room. It opened by itself leaving me dumbfounded. Donnie ran past only to hear a flushing noise we looked up and saw none other than mutagen in these huge tanks. My mind was working faster than my body.

Mikeys POV

"Ahhhhhahhhh" I screamed as some mutagen dripped. I twisted my head and blew on it. Thankfully it landed the other way. I heard a weird sound to my right like concrete or bricks moving. I turned my head, but almost instantly I heard a toilet flushed. I looked up only to see a bunch of mutagen about to be poured all over me. I screamed again. "Ahhhhhahhhh. Bros get me outta here!!" But they were to late.

"Mikey!" I heard Donnie scream. But it was no use, he didn't get there in time. The ooze fell, all over my face and torso. I tried to scream but I ended up choking in pain.It went through my whole body. I felt the chains surrounding my wrists and ankles cut lose. I tried to get up, but the pain was too much. Then it slowly faded. As did my vision, I passed out.

Donnies POV

It was unbearable to watch my brother in so much pain. I walked over carefully not knowing what would happen. I took my bo staff and brought the blade out and cut Mikey lose. After a minute. Mikey stopped moving, most likely from passing out. We carefully brought him out of the mutagen while not touching any of it. He started to wake up so we stood him up, as we looked at his appearance. We all sighed in relief that he was still a turtle. But some of his features changed. His eyes were no longer baby blue, but instead the Iris was True green but near the pupil was Ultramarine blue. He was much taller nearly my height. And instead of his orange mask it was Ultramarine(Dark Blue) with Sky Blue lightening bolts. I looked lower to see his weapon was different. It was no longer his nunchucks, but now were two Katanas. He was defiantly more muscular than before. He started to look at himself.

Mikey's POV

OH MY GOSH! I totally changed! Donnie told me what I looked like. But when he said my weapon changed, I grabbed the Katanas that were wrapped around my shell. I held them as if I grew up wielding them. I could feel this weird power surging through me. I looked at my hands. When I noticed my arms were glowing, well more like lines. As I looked closer they were actually my veins! It traveled up to my wrists and then my hands. The same effect went into the Katanas. I saw a ball of blue start to form at the tip of the blade. It looked to be like lightning was shooting from it. I turned around away from my brothers, when it blasted to the wall a huge burst of lighting erupted tearing and melting the bricks. I stood there in awe at what just happened. I turned to my bros their mouths hanging open. I put the Katanas back in the sheaths. Then my whole body tingled. I felt my feet lift off the ground. I looked down to see myself floating. I screamed. I then felt a throbbing in my head and groaned thinking a headache was about to occur, when I heard a voice.

'HOW is this HAPPENING! Mutagen is supposed to transform you, which obviously did for Mikey, BUT NOT GIVE POWERS! Lightning! REALLY?! And now he's floating! Does that mean he can FLY?? I am freaking out!

It sounded like Donnie but when I looked at him his mouth wasn't moving at all. But than I heard the word 'fly'. So that made me think. Flying. Huh. COOL! I thought of moving up and I did. AND FASTLY APPROACHING THE CEILING!! "AHHHHH" I then thought of stopping before hitting my head. And my guts felt like they flew out of me as I stopped inches before my head impacted concrete! I instantly thought WOW! So I thought of SOFTLY floating down to the ground. And I did just that. I Looked at my brother their eyes as wide as saucers.

'What the Fuck? My brother just got Mutagen dumped all over his head?! An now he has Lightning shooten out of his new Weapon!? And he's able to FLY?! When I get ma' hands on Karai, Imma beat her into tha ground!'

That sounded like Raph but again when I looked at him his mouth wasn't moving! Then it dawned on me, maybe I can read their minds?

"Hey Leo?" He looked at me. "Y-Yeah Mikey?" , "Think of something in your head. Say something in your head." I Then heard something.

'Okay Mikey said to say something... Well I'm saying it. Ugh, This is so stupid'.

"No Leo it is not stupid" I smiled as he opened his mouth wider than before. "Dudes! I can read all of your minds this is SO SWEET!"

"Eh, Mikey that's not possible."

"Okay then say something in your mind." I smiled.

'Okay, this is weird even for Mikey!'

"Duuuude! I'm always weird! Now come on lets go get April!"

Everything plays out, next scene will be towards the end when they get home and Mikey shows Splinter everything.

HEY GUYS! Okay, I have a feeling this is going to be my favorite story that I'm going to write! I'll introduce his other power the next day. But that won't be for another couple of chapters. Anyway I'd appreciate a vote AND please add this story to your library and Reading Lists. Cause I will be updating it Weekly.


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