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Jamie's POV

I open the door and automatically wished I would've gone through the fucking window. Stormi and Lillie both start drowning me in questions as soon as I enter the house.

"Jamie!" They both yell in unison.

I really hated being an asshole to them, but my eyelids weighed about a thousand pounds and I wasn't in the mood for their questions.

"I'm glad you're okay. Where did you spend the night?" Stormi questioned. I leaned against the door and answered her. Fuck. I am so tired.

"The Roofless."

"But nothing bad happened right?" Lille asked.

"Obviously not if I'm standing right here." I sighed. "Look, I'm okay and I'm tired as fuck. You can ask me questions after I sleep."

I began to walk to my room when I heard Lillie ask, "Wait! I know this isn't the time to ask, but are you going to the race with us tonight?"

Fucking shit. I forgot the race was today. Basically what happens is, every week or two weeks there is a race held at Jackson's. It's a place where people bet and race one another for a decent amount of money. It's about half an hour from where we live, up North. It's not NASCAR racing or anything. It's free will, unless you bet someone, then that's your problem there.

Usually, these races get intense and someone ends up losing an arm or leg.

I'm kidding, but they can go very well or they can go very bad. I usually hope for bad things. I know, I'm horrible. I had no idea who was racing who today, so I don't know if I'll end up going.

"Who's racing who?" I asked Lillie.

"I don't know, thought you knew." She looked at me with a nervous expression.

"I'll go. Wake me up before ten." I told both of them. I walk down the hallway and jump on my water bed. Fuck, I was so much more tired than I expected to be. I fall asleep within minutes.


"Jamie." I heard someone say. I wipe my eyes and look for the annoying person saying my name.

"Jamie, It's nine-thirty." Lillie told me. I closed my eyes again.

"Are you going bitch?" Stormi asked.

"Yes." I reply without thinking. I was still tired.

"Then get the fuck up. You have less than half an hour." Stormi said.

I groaned and yawned.

I forced myself up and I noticed Stormi had a red, skin tight, dress with black platform pumps. Her blonde hair bounced with curls that hit her back. Where as Lillie had a long white sweater with a red heart on it. She had leggings and flat black boots the hit her right above her knees. Her hair was straight and stopped past her shoulders.

"Stormi, why the fuck are you wearing a dress to a race." I questioned her as Lillie sat down on my water bed.

I sighed.

"Oh, I'm not going. Got a date with Liam." She smiled as she put on her final make up touches in my bathroom.

Liam? Wasn't he the guy at the bar? I don't fucking know. I looked at her with a confused expression.

"He's the one you forced me to go talk to at The Roofless." She said answering my thoughts.

"Oh." I replied. That guy, I remember him. He was also the one that passed out here with Stormi, but I decided not to mention that.

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