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Alan's pov :

There's always never anything exciting to do here in weston Florida anymore .

I always see people post and comment on stuff on how they would love to come and visit Florida but trust me once you've been here for as long as I have you old wish to go another place

Florida is a great place trust me it's really beautiful really but I wanna explore other places and have fun just like Nana

Nana is so lucky she gets to go travaling and visit super cool places ... she even sky dived . Tats so cool ... usually around this time when I'm bored I would go crusing with nana on our penny boards but she's not here atm ..

She's in another state I think cali
She's so lucky she has traveled to so many different places like cali

I really wanna go maybe I could convince my mom and dad to move over there ... yeah that would be awesome we could move to Los Angeles California

I'll tell Nana to help me convince mom and dad to move to cali ... ima call her right now ..

*end of alan's pov *

* calls Nana *

After a ring or two she finally picks up the phone

N : nana // A : alan

A : hey nana wyd ?

N: enjoying California hbu

A : being bored when are you coming back Nana ?

N:  tomorrow why ?

A : I really wanna go visit it's always so boring here ... can you help me convince mom and dad to move over there

N : move or visit ?

A: move I really wanna move over there please ?.

  N : okay I'll be over there tomorrow morning . Are you on vacations yet ?

A:  yeah I got out today

N :  okay great see you tomorrow and tell oli so he could know what we're planing

O :  No need I heard everything *laughs *

A: oli !!

O: you were gunna tell me anyways

N : okay bye guys

A & o : bye nana !

* end of phone call *

" So oli you wanna move over there to cali ? " alan said

" are you kidding ? Ofc I wanna move to cali it's always so boring here bro " oli said

" ik that's why I'm really hoping we can convince mom and dad " alan said

" Yeah let's just hope we convince them ... I really wanna go  " oli said

" Yeah me to * laughs * it's a good thing we're in vacations so if we move over there we don't have to be there in the middle of the semester " alan said

" Yeah we would far behind ..and now mom and dad don't really have a excuse to not move over there " oli said

" Yeah well ima go to sleep so ... get out of my room " alan said

" Okay okay good night to you too " oli said giggling

" Night bro " they both said 

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