Over the Edge

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Louis found him dancing along the edge, looking down at the cars passing. He wandered across the roof, oblivious, without a care in the world. If he falls, he falls. Harry was broken beyond repair. He'd played this game for months, hoping one day, the wind would be in his favor. One breeze could carry him to freedom. Louis walked carefully over to the boy, gently pulling him back from the extremity. "Harry," he murmured lowly into the boys ear, holding him from behind. His arms were locked around the boy's waist, his chin resting in the dip of Harry's shoulder. Harry closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. Louis had saved him countless of times. He was the only brightness in his eyes. Louis was the only thing Harry cared about anymore. He knew what he was doing hurt Louis, but sometimes, it all became too much and he'd find himself on the roof. A strong gust of wind pushed passed the two boys, and Louis breathed out a shaky sigh. "Harry, you can never leave me." Louis said softly, his voice cracking on the last word. If he had found Harry two minutes late-- No. He wasn't going to think of what would have happened. He couldn't afford to think that way. He couldn't accept the fact that Harry could be ripped away from his grip at any moment. Harry turned around and cupped the smaller boy's face in his hands. Blue met green. Harry took in a deep breath before nuzzling Louis gently. "I love you." He reminded him, craning his neck down and pressing a soft kiss to Louis' lips. His lips conformed to Harry's, never wanting the moment to end. Harry disconnected their lips, resting his forehead against Louis'. "I love you too" Louis whispered. "That's why I need you to stay here with me." A smile spread across Harry's face, pulling Louis into his chest and wrapping his arms around the boy. "I'm still here, aren't I?" he murmured into Louis' hair, pressing soft kisses against his head. "Promise me forever." Louis murmured, burying his face in Harry's chest. Harry held the boy close, and suddently, everything felt okay. Another gust of wind. "Promise." 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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