Chapter 2: Backroom

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(AOTJ: I was gonna write Panic in the backroom back i kept saying panic at the disco for some reason xD. Also because my mind said it wasn't ready for bad events JUST YET nor lemons as well BUT THATS A MAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYBBBEEEEE. -Sips lemons- i only get it and idea you'll have to wait. Also i took that shitty pledge, so this may be a very loooooonnnngggg part,

 10,000 words.... My ass says 10,000 words

 imma try atleast...)

Chapter 2



Freddy's P.O.V

Sweeping the streamers and pizza crust off the floor after a crazy kids birthday party occurred. Its usually not my thing to sweep floors since I missed a lot of stuff to sweep up, I'm suppose to be checking if everyone is here... Where the heck is Bonnie? I went off searching for Bonnie, which he was sitting in the window edge looking outside with a straight face and annoyed expression. "Didn't we went outside before?"  I thought walking toward him. He didn't notice me, so I decide to scare him. Slowly creeping up on him.

Bonnie's P.O.V

Staring out the window at the sky hearing someone walking towards me but I didn't pay attention. About to close my eyes till I felt a pressure point in my shoulder and a loud "BOO!" 

I screamed like a girl holding myself and shaking violently. "What you get for not doing what your suppose to do." A familiar voice said in a sassy way. I squint my eyes to see it was Freddy a little annoyed, holding the broom as well. I just ignore him and kept looking out the window. Freddy had a sad look now and sit right next to me. "Hey Bonnie, what's wrong?" He asked. I didn't pay no attention, not for the fact that because of a stupid girl almost made Freddy go haywire on me. Its rather she is doing that for another reason...


I ignore the sound again.

Chica's P.O.V

"This pizza will be great!" I said taking the pizza out the oven. I hear someone yelling Bonnie's name like they were worried. I put the pan on the table, and peek out from the kitchen to see it was Freddy trying to talk to Bonnie but ignoring him. Its strange, Bonnie never acted like this before! I better go check it out, but until Freddy was walking towards the kitchen I ran back to the table checking the pizza again. "Chica, do you know what is wrong with Bonnie?" Freddy asked, I just kept scrambling around the kitchen not looking for something. "u-uh naw naw ay don't, do y'all know whats awful wrong with Bonnie? ay certainly don't know, why y'all ask?" I said very quickly messing with spices in the cabinets accidentally dropping one. "Aw shoot."

Freddy had a suspicious look on his face like I was something to do with. I tried cleaning the spice up, but it got in my nose making me sneeze and the spice going everywhere. "Double shoot..." I panicked. "Chica..." Freddy growled. "AY DID NOTHIN' A'RIGHT? ay jus' think its all because of the "girl" he been wawried then ever." I said grabbing the broom out of Freddy's hand harshly and sweeping up the spice. "oKAY, ONE THAT WAS RUDE CHICA, two why didn't he tell me that we would've work it out together and three, you know that girl works as a guard here right?" Freddy explain as I dropped the broom on the floor so surprised that I was just frozen there with my mouth open. 

"Chica, Chica?" Freddy said waving his hand in front of my face. He raised an eyebrow, shrugged closing my mouth and walked out the kitchen. I was left in complete trouble for Bonnie.

I quickly went to Goldie and asked him for a whole lot of streamers, confetti's, balloons, a bunny costume, a maids dress and a help with making a cake. And for Foxy to stall Freddy and Bonnie for as long as he can so we can arrange this party.

A Backroom Party

Just for Freddy and Bonnie

Bonnie's P.O.V

I walked around hugging my arms, hearing skittering and scattering around back and forth from the kitchen to the backroom was Goldie and Chica. 'CRASH' "Aw CRACKERS." Chica yelled. And Goldie laughing. Then arguing comes in. All them two do is quake and bicker about almost everything, even once complained over a door and who get to go first, which was embarrassing for everyone. Foxy grabbed me and dragged me around as well with Freddy and put us in the pirate cove alone. "Ye two talk n' don't come out till I say so." Foxy said closing the curtains and walk away, his footsteps getting quieter with every step.

Freddy look at me before looking away. I huffed and look the opposite direction. "You gonna say something or what?" Freddy started the conversation. "What?"

"Why are you acting like I'm going to kill you or something?

"It's not that..."

"Then what Bonnie? No matter how worse or embarrassing the problem is, you need to tell me, otherwise everything is going to be a disaster."



I just sat quiet not saying anything with a light brush of pink on my cheek. Almost about to cry my head was turned facing Freddy who look like he was about to cry too. Our lips met, brushing lightly against each others as I deepen the kiss only to be interrupted by Chica. "Aw, y'all two making out- How disgusting for everyone, lets go y'all love birds." Chica said walking away. I rolled my eyes and followed her so did Freddy, Goldie was standing by the door looking quite annoyed. 



"Oh, these two at it again." Freddy sighed. I snickered to their stupidity. Hey, maybe they can make a cute couple?... Nah... Foxy would go on a killing spree. Freddy nudge my arm and signal me to come to the kitchen. Some what, I know he has a plan for something. Something sinful. I'm like that too ya'know...

I followed him into the kitchen like he wanted me to. He closed the door and we were left in the dark, His ocean blue eyes glowed and my crimson red eyes only light up as a faded rose. He put his hands on my waist and lifted me up onto a table, laying me down and topping me.

He whispers, "Are you ready for Freddy?~"



Sweet and Sour:Freddy x Bonnie Fronnie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now