Chapter 3: Imagine

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AOTJ: Fuck you all in the ass, nasty lmao I'm out this fandom *opens eyes* ROOK AT ME RROW

Bonnie's P.O.V:


The dim light over Freddy cast a shadow and all I could see is his Ocean blue eyes filled with lust but also evil. I was getting kind of nervous—

"Uh, I don't want to do this" I whispered.

"What?? What do you mean?" Freddy's unhappiness grew just a bit and all interest was lost. I looked away with shame as Freddy moved off of me. I sat up only to see anger.

"Listen, I'm sorry but I'm not ready for you know... This kind of thin—" I was cut off with Freddy kissing me and then biting my bottom lip, making it bleed. After that, he stormed out of the dim room that is the kitchen leaving me alone. I put my hand on my lip in agony, has it come to him that he has sharp teeth??


I took a tissue and clean the blood off and putting pressure on it to stop the bleeding, threw away the tissue and walked out. Chica was sitting on the stage hunched over with her face in her hands. I walked over and I just hear mild snoring, maybe not mild...


She wakes up with an ugly snorting sound and looks around with panic. "Geez Bon, you startled me! I thought you were Foxy..."

Seems she didn't question my bruised lip...

"What? Why would you- Wait what happened?" I tiled my head.

"Oh, uh, that's kind of personal, but I guess I can tell." Chica gestured me to sit next to her and I did. She took out a ripped up photo of her and Foxy. "So while you and Freddy were having it off-" I groaned in disgust. "Sorry, whatever to what y'all were doin', Foxy told me something I never expected. And it grosses me out, but also questions me and my existence. You know how Foxy has that sort of deep, female voice?" I nodded my head. "Well, turns out he is a female." My eyes widened in surprise. What? To this whole time we have known him- er- Her?? Was a female?? This makes me question some things.

"Double no way." "Triple yes way, even to prove anymore, she took off a chest binder and reveal I guess some Cs." I got confused.

"So I just told her to please leave me to think alone for a while and she understood and left. I cried for a bit because I was confused with the world, got stressed then I fell asleep."

"Of course you would fall asleep."

"Yeah of course who wouldn't?"

We just sat in the dark, silent room. I thought of Freddy and how I let him down. "Oh yeah, I saw Freddy storm off, what such a kind person like you do?!"

"All I said was 'I'm not ready' and I guess he didn't understand." Chica nodded. Then a smile appeared on her face.

"Hey! Wanna go outside? It's very beautiful, plus you get to see the lights! Eat Ice cream and Cotton Candy! And maybe go home...To see Mom and Dad..." Chica dozed off. I wouldn't blame her. Going home would be so nice right now. How our parents would hug us tightly and never let go. Worrying to our extent and where we've been, kissing our foreheads and mom giving us a lecture about how miserable her life has been without us. My life wouldn't exist if it wasn't for her actually...For Chica being kind enough... For mom with a kinder heart...


"Mom, Mom! Look who I found! A kid! And he all bruised up, can we take him in?"

"I don't know, maybe we should find his parents. Little boy do you have a mother?"

He shakes his head.

"Oh my...A father?"

He shakes his head once more.

"Oh... Who do you live with?"

"My mean uncle...He gave me these bruises..."

"Please Mom! I get so alone sometimes... Plus he is good with math!!"

"Oh, well it would be up to him...Sweetie, how would you like to come live with us? You can be our child. And if I see that man, he'll regret hurting a beautiful angel like you."

The boy smiles brightly and hugs the mother and Chica.

"It means yes mom! Yay! Dad will be happy too! One big happy family!"

(To the *sobs a bit* PRESENT)

I smiled to that fragile memory. I will never forget how kind and sweet they were for taking me in. Giving me lots of food, water, new clothes and a nice bath. No hitting or yelling, didn't make me do impossible everything around the house, even to a little mistake, they say its "Okay to make little mistakes". Tears roll down my cheek. Chica too was crying. I will never forget.

"Well should we go now? Before anyone gets back?" I asked. Chica wiped her face with her apron and nodded.

We grabbed some unused plastic bags and put some food and drinks in it. First-aid just in case, recommended by me. Our jackets. Out the door we go.

The air was misty like it rained earlier, it was only 1:37 pm. The black void in the sky was filled with white dots like a painting on a big canvas being held over Earth. Chica and I started walking out towards the city, since it's where Chica wanted to go first. I've been here before, but this time only brighter and less busy. Street lights twinkled in my eyes and Chica was more amazed at a window shop that had pastries and Ice cream, she started drooling on the window as the guy who worked there giggled at her being childish and waved.


"But look how good it is!"

"Maybe when we get back to Mom and dad first, we could ask..."

"They'll say yes, I got good feelings and I crave for that Vanilla Éclair!"

(They are so good oml)

Time past and we walked down the sidewalk past amazing shops and bakeries. I think Chica is about to bite a lamppost.

"Just imagine when we get home..." I begin to visualize

"I would go straight to the fridge, I have to binge on leftover pasta and I'm getting sick of pizza." Chica said sticking out her tongue in disgust.


AOTJ: My ass hurts, but all these years I finally update, hahhha I fooled y'all I can't write smut for shit. I kinda cried writing the flashback but im so sorry guys. Enjoy Until next time<3

And next time will be longer maybe.

Sinston out-

Sweet and Sour:Freddy x Bonnie Fronnie FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now