Chapter 9 - Dreams and Demons

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(Dream scene)

"Come here, this is your locker...Don't be afraid..." A mysterious voice echoed slowly through the abandoned hallway. Primary colored lockers surrounded me, each a seemed to close in- closer and closer. So close my arms were constricted. A distorted song played over the loudspeaker posing as the bell it's eerie tune growing in intensity. As for the mysterious voice, it had long disappeared leaving me alone to my own devices. With no other choice I opened the oblong and warped lockers, the face of an alarm sprung out like a jack-in-the-box, followed by a shrill ringing scaring me awake.

Gasping I withdrew my hand out from my warm bed, reaching for the snooze button. The sun still brightened my room, but I knew when winter came, darkness would encompass it making the nightmares even scarier. My duvet was tangled with my body; the pale yellow and floral sheets preventing me from sitting up. Once untangled, a yawn escaped from my chapped lips drooled over face. Rubbing the peeps from leftover sleep, I noticed I still had Orion's soft flannel on.

Damn it, now my bed is dirty from my sweaty clothes that... smell like pine trees?

The flannel still smelled slightly of the evergreen car freshener, coffee, and laundry detergent; its soft fabric comforting like a safety blanket I snuggled back into bed watching the clock. Two minutes passed, then five, then ten. Anxiously, I awaited the beep of the alarm to signal the end of my snooze. Reluctantly I detached myself from the snuggly covers. My stinky clothes peeled off my body like a second skin causing me to make a face.

Into the hamper where you belong...

To revitalize my aching body, I directed the shower's knob to the hottest point. After the room had filled with steam, the grody feeling had finally left. Today was suppose to be a little warmer which meant I could wear my favorite black tank top. Opting for cobalt blue ankle jeans in case the temperature dropped. Finishing off the outfit with my trusty all star converse. I braided my damp hair for the time being also applying some makeup to mask my zombie like face.

Collecting my backpack, I found my syllabuses signed, sitting at my spot on the table. It didn't take much time to get ready which meant I could eat a nice breakfast. Thinking to myself I hoped the breakfast did not upset my weak stomach. I filled a bowl with Fruit Loops, doused it in milk, and poured myself a glass too. Instantly, I reached for the medicine cabinet, upon doing so, I realized my prescription wasn't filled yet causing anxiety to bubble within me. A version of everything that could go wrong filled my head along with every possible "What if?"

Perfect timing to runout. I'm gonna need all the energy I can get.

Pushing the intrusive thoughts away, I continued on with my morning the best I could.

So long as you do your best everything will be okay... You'll have a full prescription by tomorrow...

Scooping two measurements of coffee grounds into the coffee maker, I inhaled the rich scent. Our bodies naturally develop muscle memories. This routine I had nailed. There's a 99% chance I could make a perfect cup of coffee sporting blindfold around my head. I smelled coffee brewing and automatically poured the liquid morning into two travel mugs; one for me, one for mom. Caffeine was essential today, my mind was fogged from my unintentional adventure last night. Unconsciously I debated whether the coffee was worth it.

I'll be shaky as a leaf but at least I'll be awake... If I fall asleep in class the teachers are sure to hate me. Which means I have to drink the coffee right?

"Don't steal all of it." She caught me off guard which almost made me spill coffee everywhere, had I not steadied myself. Behind me, I heard a little chuckle followed by a hand laid on my shoulder.

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