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Jones Has Join The Party:


EmmaJones Has Join The Party:

Killian I'm busy..

Jones: look I need you to come back to our house

EmmaJones: Is it that important..?

Jones: Of course Swan

EmmaJones: I'm no longer Swan and I'm just in the living room😑

Jones: how do you use that yellow circle thing??

EmmaJones: I just told you how go to the bottom of the screen and there's a happy face then touch it with your finger happy😊

Jones:😋😍😍😐🙄🤔😡🤑Oh why the bloody hell they put it there??😒

EmmaJones: they have there reasons now why do I need to be in our room?

Jones: because Swan I have a surprise for you🙄

EmmaJones: what? And stop calling me Swan..

Jones: Swan Suits you please hurry up

EmmaJones Has left The Party

About 5 or so minutes later...

ReginasRobin Has Join the Party:

ReginasRobin: Now Guyliner why did you invite me..

Obviously Killian left his phone on and put his phone in his pocket and it accidentally Butt Dial a Few people and invited them to there party chat..

SnowWhite Has Join The Party:

Charming Has Join The Party:

NealCasedy Has Join The Party:


Charming: What The?? Where's Emma?

SnowWhite: She left an hour ago David

Charming: why are we in there Party Then??

NealCasedy: what the hell are they doing

ReginasRobin: I can ask the same question

Jones:mmmmmm mmmmmm mmmmm

ReginasRobin: I can guess what there doing😏😏

Charming: can you not use that face😠

SnowWhite: gotta go baby's crying.

SnowWhite Has left The Party:

NealCasedy: they can't be doing that cmon I always get into these situations😒

Charming: once I see that pirate I'm going to punch him in the face way worst then the other times..!

NealCasedy: I wanna see that🤗

ReginasRobin: omg they could of invited Henry to this conversation!! I'm gonna have to check on Henry..

ReginasRobin Has Left The Party:

NealCasedy: well looks like it's just the two of us


Charming: yeah now I'm leaving.

Charming Has left The Party:

About 3 or so minutes


EmmaJones Has Join The Party:

NealCasedy: Sooo did you guys enjoy what you guys started...😑

EmmaJones: OMG Neal I'm so so so sorry..

NealCasedy: you just wanted to rub it in my face😒😒😑

Jones: sorry mate I kind of left my Walkie Talkie in my pocket while we were doing that....

NealCasedy: I'm not your mate I had to see every comment you guys made😒😒

EmmaJones: So you Just awkwardly Stood there and watch???

Jones: He probably loved seeing the comments I made😏

NealCasedy: Actually no I didn't the only reason why I was still in you party is cause I was curious...

EmmaJones: Neal next time interrupt.. at least call Killian so his phone would  vibrate..

Jones: ohh so that's what I felt?

EmmaJones: Killian..

Jones: but you enjoyed it...


NealCasedy Has Left The Party:

Jones: well looks like he's not in the mood

EmmaJones: Killian..!

EmmaJones has Left The Party:

Jones: Oi so bloody hard to press buttons with one hand definitely got business done here

Jones Has Left The Party:

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