Netfilx With Henry And Killian

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Henry,Killian And Emma Watch Back To The Future On Netflix And Henry Shows Them Some Movie Trailers..

HenryMills Has Join The Party:

Jones Has Join The Party:

EmmaJones Has Join The Party:

HenryMills: Mom Dad

Jones: Aye..

EmmaJones: What's Wrong did Regina do something??

HenryMills: No I wanna see this movie it's coming out at August I don't know the specific Date yet but I'm gonna find out

EmmaJones: Is it rated r..

Jones: What's a Movie.. Lad

HenryMills: No it's yes it's rated r and a movie is a story or event recorded by a camera as a set of moving images and shown in a theater or on television; a motion picture if you know what I mean..

Jones: I understand most of the details..

EmmaJones: your not watching whatever that movie is..

HenryMills: But mom I'm a teenager I can't even watch Movies like Ant Man or Transformers😑

Jones: I think the lad should watch this movie Swan😉

EmmaJones: I don't know... I'll think about it Henry

HenryMills: Okay😊 and the movies called Suicide Squad I really want to see it I'll Show you the trailer it's not so bad..

Jones: I hope it's an bloody amazing movie

EmmaJones:😒 you don't even fully know what a movie is..

Jones: I'll get there Swan and what's this called that where watching?

EmmaJones: I'm guessing you wanna know what's the name of the movie we're watching..

EmmaJones: It's called Back To The Future
With Marty McFly😌

Jones: Bloody Hell I remember you talking about that Marty guy..

HenryMills: okay found a good trailer of Suicide Squad sorry it took so long..

After about 5 minutes Emma Was Speechless at what she had Seen..

HenryMills: So what did you guys think of it..

Jones: I think it would be a great movie to see👍👍

EmmaJones: Killian!

Jones: What?

HenryMills: Can we go see it together and maybe invite My other Mom😊

EmmaJones: Henry you know that Regina wouldn't let you see this movie and I don't want you seeing it either I'm sorry Henry..

HenryMills: It's not fair most people in my school is going to see this movie I wanna see it I'm a teenager not a kid!!

Jones: I think the lad should go and see the movie cmon Swan kids grow too😏

EmmaJones: How about we go see The Secret Life of Pets instead of this😊

Jones: what's that movie about?

EmmaJones: It's about animals staying home after there owners leave to go to work or something😌

Jones: No not bloody animals..

HenryMills: No that's for baby's!!

EmmaJones: Is it really that bad I think it's appropriate for Henry..

Jones: Swan the lad wants to see this movie let him go see it..😒

EmmaJones: No The answer is no....

HenryMills: Fine how about this movie I'm about to show you the trailer I'm not telling you the name..

EmmaJones: It's another Violent movie isn't it??

HenryMills: Not really..

After 6 minutes of this Emma is once again Speechless And Killian thought that this was a great movie even though it's just a trailer..

Jones: I think it's good lad

EmmaJones: No it's not this is worse.. Your definitely not seeing this movie

HenryMills: Fine I'll just show My other mom the trailers maybe she'll agree I could go and see both of these movies😒

EmmaJones: I doubt that she would let you go....

HenryMills: I just Texted My other dad and he said the trailer looked awesome and that I should tell you can I see the movie


EmmaJones: Did you ask Regina?

HenryMills: yes I did she said I could see the movies😌

EmmaJones: No she didn't

HenryMills: okay no she did not she said No..

HenryMills Has Left The Party:

EmmaJones: maybe I should let him see just one of the movies I feel bad..

Jones: Aye I'll go tell him the news..

EmmaJones: wait I didn't really agree yet..

Jones Has Left The Party:

EmmaJones: ughh😒

EmmaJones Has Left The Party:

Henry Had seen one of the movies and he was really excited to see it he wouldn't even stop talking about it Emma and Killian went with him to the theaters Killian was also excited about seeing the movie Emma sadly Wasn't that excited she wanted to see the movie The Secret Life Of Pets which she thought Henry would love to See but she was wrong Regina didn't go because she had important things to do..

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