Chapter Two

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The blonde's tight pink yoga pants caught my eye as she bent over to pick up her pencil. I eyed her swaying hips as she sashayed to her desk at the sound of the bell. Sitting down, she flipped a lock of her long golden hair over her shoulder and continued the obnoxious chewing of her gum.

I leaned back slightly in my seat to Carson, my eyes never leaving the girl.

"Who's the babe?" I jerked my head to Miss Hot Body Blonde.

"I think her name's Tessa. Or maybe Teresa." replied Carson quietly in my left ear.

I nodded and was finally able to catch Tessa or Teresa's eye. Giving her a small wink, I puckered my lips flirtatiously in her direction making her eyes widen. They watched me hungrily as I then proceeded to run my fingers slowly through my tangle of brown curls, keeping my gaze on her. This earned me an excited nod and a lit bite from Tessa/Teresa. Straightening herself and crossing her legs quickly, I watched in amusement as she attempted to regain her composure before the class started.

Ms. Michael strolled to the front of the room and tapped her ruler on the whiteboard under the words HUMAN REPRODUCTION. I smiled. My favorite subject. Of course, this pathetic 11th grade class of sex ed wasn't going to teach me anything I didn't already know about the human body.

"Human reproduction." Ms. Michael read from the board. "Now, I know you all have been looking forward to this class for years. You think it's gonna be some screw-off class where you can all sit back and snicker when I say things like penis." the room chuckled. "But it's not! We are going to learn about the body and all it's sexuality." Things I already knew all about. I grinned again.

Tuning out Ms. Michael's droning voice, I let my eyes travel to her mouth to watch her soft, red lips from every word. She was a young teacher, fresh out of collage, I assumed. Judging by her perfect complexion and lean body, I guessed she couldn't be more than 23. Experienced, but young. Perfect.

She swept her curly brunette hair out of her face, then noticed me watching her. Tilting her head, she raised and eyebrow and stepped up to my desk.

"How about you, Mr...?"

"It's Andrerson. Devin Anderson." I answered, looking deep into her brown eyes and winking.

She blinked quickly, seemingly caught a bit off guard by my actions, but soon recovered. "So, Mr. Anderson, would you care to explain to the class your definition of sexual attraction?" I almost laughed.

Sitting up in my desk, I leaned forward, closing a small amount of distance between our bodies. "You." I barely whispered.

Immediate heat rose to Ms. Michael's cheeks and I watched them flush. The whole class was silent for a second, before they all broke out in giggles. My grin spread across my face and I sat back, satisfied.

Ms. Michael moved away from my desk quickly and rapped her ruler on the whiteboard, quieting everyone. She then continued on with whatever boring things she had been talking about before, completely ignoring my comment. However, I noticed it took a while for her blush to fade.

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