Chapter 1

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“Alright! Let's go! Sprints!" yells Spike.

"Really!" the rest of the team groans.

"Come on ya wimps!" Alice says with a laugh.

"Really," Spike sighs.

Alice leans in close to Spike and grins.

"Yes Spike," she starts with a whisper then shouts, "let's go!"

Spike jumps up and takes her hand in his as he pulls her close and smiles down at her.

"So good to have you back," he says.

"Hey, no PDA on the job!" Ed teases.

Alice and Spike quickly break away and turn to face him, Spike was blushing while Alice just rolled her eyes.

"Yes boss," they shout in unison.

Alice springs out of the building ahead of Spike, she then stops and spins around. Spike runs into her causing them to go rolling across the grass and once they come to a stop, they lay side by side laughing. Alice rolls over so that she is on top of him and leans in for a kiss, but they hear the rest of the team coming so she rolls off and stands up, then helps Spike to his feet. He pulls her into a hug and rests his head on top of hers.

"I'm so happy you're back," he whispers.

"It's good to be back," she laughs.

Ed walks over and was about to say something, but was cut off by an alarm, causing Alice to break out in laughter as they run to the trucks followed by the rest of the team, who were relieved they didn't have to do sprints.


Alice looks up at the building as she studies the structure before her, taking in the windows, hallways, exit points, and weak spots, but Ed walks up next to her and puts a hand on her shoulder, pulling her out of the trance.

"Good to have ya back kid," he says, "ready for this."

"Always," she glances over at him, “it’s just going to feel weird without Greg.”

"Let’s make the best of it," Ed nods, then orders the team to move into the building where security was ushering people out.

"I don't want anyone to leave!" Ed shouts, "I want everyone here interviewed!"

"Yes Sir!" the rest of the team responds.

"Spike and Alice in the truck," Ed orders.

"Wait, what?!" Alice protests, “You need me in the field!”

Ed snatches up her arm and pulls her close, then looks down at her with stern eyes.

"You haven't been in the field since your breakdown," he says sternly.

"I passed the mental exam," she counters with a raised an eyebrow.

"I’m team leader and you’ll do as I say," He snaps, "that's final. Now go get in the truck!"

"Yes sir," Alice hisses.

She walks over to the truck and flashes her badge to get in, sitting down next to Spike who was typing away at his computer to get into the security system. She sets up the auto-transcript then turns to Spike, who continues typing to pull up a video feed. Alice studies the people partying and as the clip goes on, people pause to look at something off camera then start running.

"Spike can you get a camera from that blindspot?" she points at the screen.

"Yes ma'am," he grins.

He pulls up another camera and a hooded figure comes up with a handgun. They fire shots into the ceiling and that's when everyone turns to face them. They say something the fire two more and that's when everyone flees.

"Audio?" she asks.

He hands her a pair of headphones in response to her question.

"Alright then," She whispers then slips them on.

She listens to the voice studying what they are saying. She replays it as a sense of familiarity takes over and she didn't like it.

"Spike can you see if this person comes up on any other cameras," she asks.

"Just hold on one sec," he responds.

"Alice you copy?" asks Ed.

"What's up Ed?" she asks.

"There are 5 subjects, I repeat 5," she says.

"That's just great," she hisses.

"Police! SRU!" she heard Sam yell, "Put the gun down! Put it down!"

"Sam where are you?!" yells Jules.

"SRU! Drop the weapon!" Sam yells.

"Spike bring up the feed from Sam’s position!" Alice orders.

"Working on it!" he replies.

"Now Spike!" she snaps.

Spike types furiously as he tries to bring the video up. Alice watches furious as she listens to Sam and Ed talking to the subject. The video feed pops up and Alice's eyes get cold. She grits her teeth as she realizes who one of the subject's was. She jumps up grabbing her tactical rifle and heading outside.

"Alice get back here!" Spike yells after her.

"Alice what are you doing?" asks Ed through the coms.

She doesn't answer as she makes her way into the building. She flashes her badge at the security and runs down the halls to her waiting target. She turns the corner and sees the hooded figure from the footage running down the hall.

"Stop police!" she yells and follows.

"Alice I told you to stay in the truck!" Ed yells.

Alice turns the corner and the subject is facing her, gun raised, wearing a sly smile. Alice snarls holding her rifle up. Her eyes narrow and teeth grit.

"Well Well," says figure, "never thought I'd see you behind the gun in a uniform."

"I thought I told you to stay out of Toronto!" Alice snaps.

"I can do whatever I want!" The subject drops the hood and lets her long blonde hair spilled over her shoulders.

"You shouldn't of come back," Alice hisses, "Now I WILL put you in prison."

"You wouldn't do that," the girl smiles deviously, "what would HE think then?"

"Don't you dare bring him up!"" Alice snaps taking a step forward.

"Alice, what's going on?" asks Spike.

"Alice, where are you?" Ed asks concern in his voice.

"Sensitive subject for you isn't it," the girl says with slyness on her voice.

"leave him out of this!" Alice yells, "I told you to stay away!"

"No!" the girl yells.

"You're a criminal!" Alice screams.

Alice was about to say more but she was tackled from behind. Her gun goes off as she falls to the floor. Someone pins her down and takes her com out of her ear. They pull the channel box off her belt and throw it across the room. The girl comes over and bends down in front of her. She takes her gun and holds it to Alice's head rocking the barrel back and forth along her temple. Alice struggles under her restrainer.

"Poor Alice," says the girl, "you ain't walking away this time."

"You will pay for this!" Alice snaps.

"Not this time," the girls hisses.

Then Alice is hit in the back of the head and blacks out.

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