Chapter 2

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"Alright Team!" The leader shouts at the rest of group, "You know what we're here to do. Smooth, Clean and fast people!"

"You sure you're not over thinking this?" Says a lean muscled man with buzz cut hair walking forward; his russian accent was thick.

"Im fine," the leader replies shoving a sniper rifle into his arms., "you just do you're job."

"Im driving!" Calls a latina girl from across the room.

"And computer geek can hack into main frame and make sure the alarms don't go off," the leader squawks, "there is a certain group of people I don't want called. We are in Toronto."

The team grabbed their supplies then heads out to the van waiting for them outside. The leader lingers behind and pulls a picture out of the back of one of the folders she had laying on the table. She glares at then lets its fall to the floor before leaving to the van.


The leader of the group was Jane. She was canadian tall, fit, athletic, smart and daring. She had long blonde hair and green eyes. She was the brains of the group. It was her job to carefully plan each job and know each detail. If anything went wrong it was on her.

The next member was Tony. He was the muscle or hitter of the group. He was russian, tall, fit, athletic, and very skilled in fighting. It was his job to keep team members safe, whether it was by fighting or by sniping. Tony was ex military, so he was trained in combat and weaponry. He was also very arrogant and cocky which lead to spars between him and Jane.

The computer expert was Daniel. The hacker extraordinaire, there was no system he couldn't get into. He was skinny but not very athletic. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. He just made sure that the security system wasn't tipped off and that members of the team weren't caught.

The thief of the pack was Sahara. An african girl who used to be a gymnast and ballet dancer. She was very agile and light on her feet She had long black hair and brown eyes. She could crack just about any safe and get through the tiniest spaces. She had a smart mouth on which was usually quickly silenced by either Tony or Jane.

The grifter of the group was Maria. She was an actress if there ever was one. She could play any part she was given. You never knew if she was acting or sincere. She had long black hair that she always kept in a high ponytail. Her eyes were a stunning green. She was slim fit, tall, and very cocky. Maria also like to mess around and play jokes on people.


The Team pulls up to the building and all move in ready to execute the plan in play. Jane gets out and heads into the main party room hood up but she stood just inside so the camera wouldn't see her. She listens on the coms as the team sets up for the plan.

"Alright Jane," says Tony, "everyone is ready."

"Alright let's do this!" Jane sneers.

She steps into the room and pulls out the gun she had under her shirt. She fires two rounds into the ceiling and the crowd screams. Everyone turns to face her and she grins.

"Scatter you rich freaks!" She screams at them

The party-goers run away from her and she finds entertainment in their actions. Jane lingers in the hall waiting for security to show. She listens to her team's chatter as they execute the plan her distraction had set in place. The sound of sirens enters her ears and she shakes her head.

"Hey Tony," she asks.

"Yes boss," he replies.

"Did the black SUVs just show up?" she asks.

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