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~Excerpt taken from somewhere in the middle of the book~

The river flowed from the mountains of Bukidnon and wound through the heart of our city. I could hear its soft murmur as we approached. The trees thinned out to the river bank, and we felt the mixture of soil, sand, and clay on our feet. The river lay before us, long, wide and deep. Its water was like that of transparent emeralds of different shades. There were patches and circles of light and dark green. The morning sun cast a lazy glow on its shiny surface. We could see through to the bottom, where fish swam and shrimp crawled. Dragonflies flew and hovered over the water, playing with reckless joy. Their translucent wings glistened as they caught the light from the sun. On the other side, thick forest protected this body of water, and a little to the south were the green and virgin hills of our town.

I stood at the edge of the river for a moment, absorbing the beauty of what was before me, in awe of creation and all the gifts that came with it. It surprised me then, as it does even now, that all of these gifts, so priceless, were given to us for free. "The Lord provides, Agustin," I could hear my mother telling me. Yes, He does and more. He has given us beauty on top of our daily provision. Maybe because our hearts, at once fragile and eternal, will not survive without it, or maybe because we are made in His image, and in that image is beauty. I felt so small in the grandeur yet so loved.

In that instant, I realized that the Creator is a poet first before anything else. All around me was poetry. The trees, the hills, and the river stood silent and voiceless, yet they spoke volumes about love, grace, wonder, and splendor. For a moment, I forgot about the fear of pain as I stood there absorbed in my surroundings and thoughts.

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