"No He Didn't!!"

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Mya's POV:

I watched him close the door behind him and lock it. I sat down in a chair while he put some papers in a folder. I couldn't help but stare at him sideways.How can somebody so controlling and possessive be this fine?!He had on the same outfit he had on from that night at Hooters. His hair was wet like always and his muscles just seemed to ripple. His tattoo just made it even more better. God I was getting turned on just staring at him. I snapped out out of my eye raping though when he turned around and sat at his desk. "Now Mya, what I wanted to talk to you about is you being my mate. I was serious when I said you belong to me. No other male besides family and close friends will be near you or you them. Oh and the little Boy from the beach last week, you won't speak to him again if you value his life." I couldn't help but think no he didn't! I don't give a damn what I am to him. His ass does not run me and he's about to find that out real quick! "Look Jason, lets get something straight right now, you don't run me. I own my damn self. Just cause I'm your mate and all that stuff,you don't get to dictate who I talk to, who I'm friends with, or even hell who I'm near. So you need to shut all that mess down right now". I felt good about myself and my little rant to him until his eyes turned black. He started to approach me and I backed up. My mistake was backing up right into his desk.He did have a menacing look on his face but It turned into a slight smirk. "Ok Jason, you can let me get by now". "Jason' s not here right now little mate". Ok now I was officially like what the hell? Jason was still standing there but his voice was different, more deeper too. His eyes was also black. I then realized on my own who this was speaking through

him, his wolf. I was probably now in some deep shit. "Don't be so surprised little mate. I'm guessing you realized now who I am. Jason might be a asshole but guess what, I'm a bigger one. You really think you're going to do what you want but you're not! You belong to us! If I have to tie you to our bed and fuck some sense into you I will! Don't test me mate. Don't forget what I said either about belonging to us. If this happens again with your attitude, punishment will be given. I won't take it easy on you like Jason will, which is not easy at all.". He stepped back and just like that his eyes turned back to their regular blue/browns. I was still in a shocked and scared state. I mean yeah I was little scared of Jason, but I could stand up to him. But his wolf, was something else. I was scared shitless of him and hoped Jason wouldn't let him out anytime soon. He finally let me by and I sat down on the sofa. He sat on the edge of his desk and spoke. "Now do you understand what being my mate means?"  I paused for a few seconds but answered him. "Yeah I get it, I belong to you and I will have no say in my life anymore." "Stop being a smart ass Mya, I'm an possessive asshole but not that kind of one. You're free to do what you want in life and your goals. By belonging to me means there will be no other men but me. " "Well at least you're nice, I guess. So what happens now Jace? I could've had a boyfriend you're taking me from." " The point is you don't; Even if you did I would've threatned his existence. But to answer your question, we'll get to know each other, then I'll mate and mark you making you mine forever. Oh yeah, just to let you know, you'll be moving in with me after you finish your last course in college. Which is really soon approaching". Then he walked out of the office leaving me with my mouth open. No he didn't! Nadi and I are inseparable! I quickly followed up behind him before he made anymore drastic decisions about me.

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