At Work/ The Hell?

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Mya's POV

As soon as pulled into the parking lot of Hooters I immediately groaned. The customer parking spots were full and I knew it was going to be a long night. Me and Nadia walked through the employee entrance and was greeted by our boss Eric. What's up ladies how's it going?" "Ok", I grumbled and Eric chuckled. "It looks like somebody's in a bad mood" he teased. "Don't pay her any mind she's just tired and grouchy" said Nadia laughing at me. I just walked past them, grabbed my apron, and started my shift. Work started off just I as thought it would, terrible. Old disgusting men hit on me as I took their order and tried to feel on me. I shut that down real quick. It started to get better until a group of boys in jerseys came in and we really loud. "We'll there goes work getting better", I thought as I took their order. They hit on me as we'll and I was trying to be as nice as I can. One boy said "Hey baby, after your shift lets fuck, you can even keep your uniform on!" All of his friends started laughing. "I would but your dick is no longer than my pinky" and I walked off as he looked embarrassed. The door bell rung as new customers came in. It was a group of men looking like they were apart of a military black-ops team. They all had on all black. All of them were sexy but one stood out out of all if them. He was tall about 6'5, long black hair that wet like he had just taken a shower, and last he had a tribal sleeve tattoo on his right arm that started at his shoulder and ended at his wrist. Nadia walked up to me and said "Who the hell are they? Shit I need them in my life" she joked. I laughed and went over to take their order. "Hey welcome to Hooters what can I get y'all?" One man with blonde hair and blue eyes spoke up, "Yeah can we get a a buffalo wing platter and four beers please?" He asked me but I could see he was eyeing Nadia who was behind me at the counter. The one with the tattoo sniffed the air looked at me hard. It kind of looked like his brownish-blue eyes were turning black it  scared the hell out of me so I took their order and all but ran to counter. Nadia looked at me and said "The one with tattoo was eyeing your ass hard when you walked away" she laughed. "Shut up no he wasn't, but the one with blonde hair was in your face when I was taking their order. "Girl he probably was he seen all this fine chocolate over here!" I just shook my head and went back over to the rowdy boys table to give them their check. They same one boys was trying to hit on me. "Baby, that little statement about my dick is farthest from the truth, after your shift i'll show you." I just rolled my eyes and passed around their checks. I guess he didn't like being ignored cause he even went as far as grabbing my ass. I was about to slap him when I heard a loud growl like a dog growl. It scared me so I looked around the restaurant. My eyes landed on the men in all black table and the dude with tattoo looked very pissed. It looked like one of his friends was holding him down as well. I shook off the noise and told the boys to get since they were done and walked back to the register. "What's wrong Mya you look confused?" Nadia asked. "I don't know I thought I heard a dog growl and it was weird." "Girl you're crazy you just tired and sleepy hearing shit" she laughed. I'm glad our shift is over in a hour. It was closing time and the men in all black were still there. I paid it no mind and me and Nadia walked to my car. But I noticed the men come out too and waked over to a black four door Bugatti. I sped off for home but I noticed a car behind us. I couldn't make out what kind it was cause it was so dark. As soon as we got home Nadia told me goodnight as she headed for her room and I headed for mine. I took a quick shower and changed into my pj's. I walked to the kitchen for something to drink but something out the window caught my eye. There was a car I didn't recognize in our parking lot. I kind of got curious but shook it off. "One of our neighbors must have got a new car", I thought as I headed for room for some much needed sleep.

Authors Note:

Man with Tattoo: Roman Reigns from WWE; Pic to the side.

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