Chapter 6

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I just had to update because I wanted to Update. Also I think I'm going to make this interesting.. I think I dont know.

-Blaire POV- 

I thought about what Derek said to me last night. They leave to go to L.A. today. Which means I have to eithet say yes or no.

I was Yana today. We were both in my room talking about things. She was mostly talking about Abby, Nates girlfriend. She thinks shes with him for fame which, I didn't blame Yana.

"But, you know, Abby might not be using him for money you know" She shrugged.

"Yeah, your probably right"

"So what about you and Derek? Did you say yes?"  She asks looking at me.

I sighed, closing my eyes. "Honestly, I don't know if I should date him. I mean he's cute, nice, sweet, and loves to make me laugh, but I really don't know how Sammy will act"

It was true When it came to his friends, Sammy was very overprotective of me Because he thought one of the guys was going to make a move on me.

She sighed and got up. "Your going to L.A. today" She smiles. "And I'm coming too" She smile.

"Woah Yana, we can't go to L.A."

"Yes the hell we can. I want to see my bestfriend get Her a boyfriend before he leaves Omaha" 

I sighed again and just shook my head. "No, Yana. I'm not going. I can't. What if he changes his mind?"

"Blaire, he said it his-self, either say yes or no to him" Yana was right, If I don't tell him then he won't know how I feel about him.

"But Yana I don't-"

"Ah, no Blaire your going to tell him yes."

"Well sammy did give me extra tickets if I wanted to go to L.A. with him" I nodded. "Well then. Pack your bags so we can go get your man" She hit my leg which made it stung.

"Okay" I laughed. "I'm going to pack"

"Okay. Cause I'm going to L.A. with you"

"Why so you can see Swazz" I made kissing noise.

"Blaire don't go there" She warned me giving me the death glare.

I laughed and got my suitcase out of my closet putting clothes in my suitcase

Emmett pulled us at the airport. He was Yana's Brother.

"Thanks Emmett bro" Yana said.

"Yeah. Do mom know your going to L.A.?"

"No. Just don't tell her. Tell her I went on Vacation with Blaire or I'll tell her you be sexting and bring girls over without her knowing" Yana Smirked at her brother.

"Alright man, I'm not going to say anything" He said. "Love you bro" she smiled kissing his cheek. "Alright Emmett" I fist bumped him.

We both got out and went inside the airport. "Finally, I'm going to leave Omaha" Yana Squealed.

"Didn't you go to a reunion in New York?"

"Yeah. But that was different because I'm going to L.A." She squealed again.

"Okay" I sighed. "Where should we look first?"

"I'm thinking th-" before Yana could say anything else, A whole bunch of people Were screaming and running going towards the right of the Airport.

Yana and I both gave each other glances. "There right there" We both said Laughing. We went towards the crowd, trying to get through to them. I try to look for Yana but she got caught in the crowd.

"Yana!" I yelled.

"I'm okay, just tell him yes!" She screamed.

"Flight 23 to L.A. all passengers to board plane now"

Oh shit, I'm not going to make it. I started running through the crowd screaming Derek's name.

"Derek!" I screamed his name. "Derek!!" I yelled once again.

"Derek!" I ran through the crowd and I finally made it through.

"Derek!!" I yelled running. I felt like Bella on twilight running to get to Derek.

All the guys turned around. I saw Derek dropped his bags and all I knew I ran into his arms and he caught me. "Blaire? How-" I cut him off by kissing him, more like making out with him.

I pulled away and smiled. "Yes" I nodded out of breath because I was running. "Yes?" he repeated smiling.

"Yes" i nodded once again. "That's nice Blaire" He smiled pecking my lips and put me down.

All the guys looked at us, then Sammy, then Us. Like that, the boys dropped their bags knowing Sammy was going to Retaliate.

"Derek!" he yells going towards him. I stepped infront of Derek.

"Before you beat him up, I like him and he likes me back. I want to be his girlfriend" I gave him a glare.

"But when did it happen?"

"The night of the party" I repiled

"And Sammy I really like her, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her" Derek said.

He sighed running my fingers in his hair. "Okay. Derek you can date her alright?" I turned around to Derek and hugged him. We were waddling side to side.

"But don't do anything to hurt her" Sammy gave him a warning look.

"I won't" I looked up at him. He was Smiling. "Alright let's go" Sammy said. They picked up their bags and I picked up mine but forgot Yana.

"Wait! Yana's with me" I said and they all stop towards the gate.

"Where is sh-"

"Damn, makes no fucking sense. All of y'all need home training" She shook her head and saw us.

"Oh! There y'all go. I'm ready" She chuckles.

We all laughed and giggled at her. We all started going towards the gate.

Derek wrapped his arms around my waist. "I'm so glad I can call you my girlfriend" He said. I almost fell weak to my knees when he said that.

I glacnced and looked at Nate. He looked like he was sad.


Nate POV

We were all on the plane just chilling. I really wanted to smoke. I can't wait to we land, so I can go home and smoke all the weed I can.

I kept looking at Blaire and Derek. He was making her laugh. she kept giggling at some stupid shit he kept saying. Damn, I'm so stupid. Why did I ever rejected her. I mean yeah I kinda sorta liked her back.

I also knew she had a crush on me.  I told Sammy and he told me I didn't need to date her. She needed to date someone her age. Also he told me that if she asked me out that I had to reject her. When she did ask me out, I should've yes but instead I said no.

But now, he accepts Her going with Derek and he's older than me!

I sighed looking down at my phone. "Baby? You okay?" Abby asked me.  I looked at her and smiled. "I'm okay baby. I just have alot on my mind"

She kissed my cheek and smiled. "You'll be okay baby" She smiled. I smiled back. I'm not going to be okay.

I sighed looking at Blaire. Then our eyes met. She then turned away. Uggh. Man, I will get Blaire. No matter what it takes. She will be mine. But not now. I got Abby right now.


Short but, Thanks you for your time reading this. I mean it means so much to me.

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Yayyy thank you for reading this.

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