Chapter 4

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You placed your hand in Dan's and he led you to the middle of the ballroom. The room full of people began to quiet down, and started to move to the side so you and Dan had room to dance. They were all staring now, whispering to each other and snickering. It made you nervous. Dan put his arm around your waist, while you laid yours on top of his shoulder, and held his other hand upwards to begin the waltz.  You kept staring at all the guests who were watching you and Dan intensely.  In fact, you were so distracted that you stepped on Dan's foot.

"I'm so sorry!" You half whispered. You heard a few laughs from the guests and looked down in embarrassment. How could you be so foolish. You should have declined the Prince's offer. 

"Don't  worry, it's ok. Half of the guests here are uncultured idiots who weren't taught how to be polite." Dan whispered back, and turned  to glare towards the cluster of people giggling. They seemed to have noticed and stopped immediately.

You agreed, laughing at Dan's insult towards the guests. "They are a bit snobby." 

"Unlike me. The Great Prince Daniel James Howell. I'm perfect in every way" He said jokingly with emphasis which, made you laugh even more. You studied his face and how his dimples dug into his face along with two birth-marks that made it look like it was a face frowning, but Dan was certainly the opposite. He was smiling ear to ear.  

"Of course not, and I'm the queen of Unicorn Land where I live in a giant castle that floats on air" You replied sarcastically.

"Well you'll just absolutely have to show me these unicorns of yours one day" His tone was flirtful, which made your face feel hot with embarrassment. 

He caught you off guard when his grip on your hand tightened, and he twirled you. The laces in your beautiful (color)ed dress flew around you while you lost balance, but to your surprise, Dan caught you. You stood there, face to  face locking eyes with him. His deep brown eyes sucked you in like a trance. His intense gaze was overwhelming and It felt like forever until you finally pushed away from each other.  The room of guests clapped and the dance ended. You were almost sad that it did.

You curtsied, showing you're gratitude, and stepped aside. Suddenly a familiar voice came from behind you. 

"Y/N! I'd love to Dance with you." You turned around to see that it was Phil giving you a genuine smile. 

"Oh, of course." You replied, surprised by Phil's offer. You didn't think any of the princes would want to dance with you, let alone both.

"Ok then, c'mon!" His face lit up as he led you back to the middle of the ballroom. 

The orchestra began to play again, but this time it was a faster tune that was similar to Irish jig music.

Phil intertwined his arm with yours and you began to skip in circles to the beat. You laughed at how silly the dance was, but Phil seemed to be enjoying it. 

"What brings you to a ball like this on this fine night m'lady." Phil attempted to do an Irish accent and failed terribly.

You giggled and answered back with an even worse Irish accent. "I'm here of course to do an Irish jig with the one and only Prince Philip." 

You both chuckled as you skipped and twirled around the ballroom. It seemed like everyone else enjoyed the music, as were swaying and bobbing their heads back and forth. Some were even clapping to the beat and dancing along.

You looked over to Phil, his ocean colored gaze staring right back at you. You wondered how you could smile with your eyes, but Phil proved it was possible. He was smiling so hard that his eyes wrinkled, which you thought was quite cute. There was just something about him that always made you grin when you looked at him. 

After a while of dancing , the song ended, and the guests clapped again. You were out of breath from all the skipping and  twirling.

"I think that's enough Irish jig dancing for today." You said, panting.

"Agreed." you both laughed in unison.

"Phil, can't you go one ball without playing your Irish music." Dan chuckled.

"I can't help it, it's such a catchy genre." He smiled, which made his eyes wrinkle.

"Now now boys, no fighting." Zoey joked.

You were startled by the sound of the royal trumpets filling the room once again.

Dan and Phil began to walk towards the front of the ball room to grab the guests' attention.

"We'd like to thank you all for attending tonight's ball." Dan smiled, but it wasn't like before. You could tell it was fake.

"Unfortunately it's come to an end, but we both look forward to seeing you at the next one, which will be hosted by King Felix Kjellberg." Phil smiled too, though his eyes weren't the ones you saw while you danced together. They seemed duller.

Moments after their announcement, the crowd of people began heading out of the castle the way they came. Once outside, they all stumbled into their carriages and rode away, including yourself.

You couldn't stop thinking of tonight. It was unlike any ball you've been to. Come to think of it, it may have been the only ball you've ever went to. Your dance with the princes replayed over and over again in your head. The way they smiled, the way they laughed. You remembered it so vividly. You enjoyed it more than you thought you would, and wished it could have gone for a little bit longer. Your smile began to fall into a frown when you recalled the Grand Duke's  words. "it IS only for one night after all."

Note: Sorry for the long wait and such a short chapter. I've been away and haven't been able to write. As for the short chapter, my imagination wasn't very creative this time,but I will try to make the next chapters longer and more interesting. It was cringey to write since I didn't wan't  to make anything too cheesy or cliche.   

A tale of two princes: Dan and Phil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now