we will fight

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the sun was setting wendy sat next to hana and carla as she rested her head on her knees.

" maybe it would be better if i did't come at all.." wendy said

" don't talk like that wendy " hana said

" are you still thinking like that? honestly" carla said while she crossed her arms.


"if you keep thinking so negatively you could lose your heart to the darkness you know" carla stated

" i really am.." wendy trailed off.

" but if you have not been there  erza would have died" hana pointed out. carla nodded in agreement

" in the end... we left lucy-san and the other behind i even left kagome carla! my only sister!!" wendy cried out.

"There was hardly anything we could do in that situation." carla sighed. wendy shuffled her knees closer to her chest and stared at the sun with sad eyes.

"but we did't even find nivana.."

"oh i don't know about that" carla glanced at wendy  who covered her face with her bangs

"you were happy to finally meet that jellal person at least weren't you?" carla said

" who is jellal anyways? you said you owned him a great debut..?" hana said          '

"  i do not  recall you or kagome mentioning such a thing." carla said  this  made wendy smile a little.

" you're right we never told you." witha deep breathe she stared the story. " it was seven years ago sky dragon Grandine had vanished.  kagome and i were all alone beside ourselves and lost of the road." wendy took a deep  shaky breathe.

" me and kagome  got lost on the road and  me met jellal who was also lost  so we ended up traveling with him for a while but one day - he said something strange all of the sudden. 'Anima.' carla and hana  suddenly whipped their heads towards wendy with wide eyes

" Anima!?" both of the cats said.

wendy shrugged.

" Uh-huh.. i still don't get what he meant by it.. but he said it would be dangerous for me and kagome to stay with him so he left us in the care of a guild and that guild was cait shelter." she finished her story.

" so what happen  to jellal after that?" hana asks..

" I never saw him till today. i heard rumors of course..   and  kagome found out about a councillor that looks just like him .. about how he's been doing all sorts of  terrible things." wendy blushed a bit " but the jellal me and  kagome   knew was incredibly kind."

carla glanced at the ground sadly hana was looking at the sunset sadly

" do you think.. he  remembers us at all?"


kagome  felt her senses come back as she felt something warm it felt she was leaning on something or near a fire. unconsciously she moved closer to the warm thing and shut her eyes tighter. kagome was tired she felt like she fell off a cliff . something tugged at the corner of her mind before it came

the waterfall nastu, lucy and her had fell off a waterfall

her eyes suddenly snapped open she jumped up. the water- now clam washed somewhere to her right as the forest  went deeper to her left. lucy was a few feet with a another women in a maid outfit. pink hair and blue eyes. natsu was leaning on the tree beside her.

so that's what what was so warm! then kagome blushed and moved a bit away from natsu then look down at her clothes. she almost jumped in surprised. instead of her shirt and pants- which was most likely torn by now she wore a yellow corset top and a dark blue mini skirt her hair was  not braided any more it was down and in curls and her shoes were black.

(http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=202641986) kagome outfit

kagome bushed her bangs out of her face kagome looked up at lucy who who also had a new outfit that matches natsu's and the maid girl. lucy looked at kagome slightly concerned 

" you ok?" lucy asked. kagome noticed that her hair was now in pigtails

" i am good" kagome shrugged before walking over to the small group to the small group. " you both look pretty"

kagome and Lucy's cheeks turned a bit pink while the maid just stared.

"U-Um thanks." kagome said 

" er, what happen to my clothes?" kagome asks before lucy could answer her the maid interrupted.

" I am Virgo i was the one who replaced your clothes . i brought them from the Stellar spirit world. your old clothes were worn out. do you not like them? hit me if you must." virgo bowed down.

kagome looked at lucy but lucy shrugged sweating  a bit from embrassment. so she turned back to virgo.

" No No i love it you even made Lucy and nastu match thank you" virgo got up from her bowed position just as natsu opened one eye. he let out a groan before looking around.

"  where is.. it" virgo pointed. " i also  gave natsu-sama the same service."

" that wasn't  Necessary!!" lucy sweatdropped. 

" Jellal!! where 's the light!?" natsu jumped up before everyone looked at the light the beam of light was now black with white reaching for it.

" It's closer now. did it change color?" lucy observed.

" yes.. while you three were uncondcious it changed from black to white." virgo states.

"  weird..." kagome said. natsu let out a growl before sighing at him in shock. natsu jerked his head towards kagome and lucy but loked straight at lucy. he grinned suddenly.

" what's with you suddenly?" lucy asked awkwardly.

" that was dangerous thanks Lucy!"

kagome stood there playing with her hair not really use to curls

" It's as if you two are going  out." virgo states bluntly making kagome snicker. Lucy shot a glare at the blue haired girl making going sweatdrop. 

Lucy sweatdropped at virgo

"Since when you talk like happy?" natsu looked around.

" speaking of happy where is he also weren't you two with erza?" kagome rubbed the back of her head awkwardly while lucy shrugged.

" we lost track of everybody."

" princess i must be going now and kagome you smell like seaweed." and then she disappeared

" I DO NOT SMELL LIKE SEAWEED DAMN IT!!!" kagome shouted with an angry mark on her head.

Lucy sweatdropped " Ah! virgo..!" Lucy reached out but it was a tad late. natsu looked at the light in determenation 

" Well looks like we have to reach the light by ourselves." Lucy raised her hands and studied. kagome glaced at the mage with a slight frown. a familiar scent drifted to kagome as the bushes trembled. natsu and kagome snapped their heads in the direction while lucy grasp taking a step back.

sherry suddenly appeared. her  hair was matted with dirt and the once pink dress was tron. she looked at the three in a daze.

" Sherry!" Lucy cried out  "I'm so glad your safe!"

" you were from galuna island if i remember correctly.." natsu trailed off

" that was a long ago!"

kagome titled her head " galuna island?" Lucy only  sweat dropped.

" Long story.."

before they could continue sherry started to  talk.

 "I found... mages of Fairy Tail"

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