protecting family part 4

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natsu took in deep breathes as he walked into the held lacrima one. he lead against the wall heavily as his pink hair covered his face. standing just in front of the lacrima was the man he was suppose to defeat.


" so you still alive? " zero said smugly a smirk on his face.  " What business do you have here brat?" he asked. natsu chuckled with a smile that showed his canines. zero rose an eye brow in amusement.

" Let's see who it's gonna be that's destroyed in the end.. me or you." natsu challenges. as if it was on cue something ran past him swiftly. in a blur that made natsu's clothes shift in the wind it ran straight towards zero. it stop just in front of zero before throwing a leg out. zero jump back.  the blur settled down to show a girl with a hard look on her face.

" Don't forget about me that easily natsu," the blur was kagome. though her eyes were hard a playful smirk appeared on her lips. it was quiet no one made a move. Natsu stood at the entrance with clenched fists. kagome stood crouched in front of zero, who stood a few feet away.

kagome's and natsu's eyes widen a bit and they charged forward. though kagome was closer , nastu got to zero first with his fist lit with fire  threw a punch at zero head. zero simply look a step back looked a bit.

without needing to be hint kagome jump a bit over nastu and tried for a round house kick. zero dropped down a bit eye level with natsu. the duo took a deep breathe fire filling natsu's mouth and air filling kagome's before they both did roar. this cause a big explosion the fire and wind mixing together and they both landed on there feet.

" Hm" a voice spoke up from the smoke. zero appeard a hand out and barely a scratch on him. " Your movements are better than before." kagome let out a little gasp in surprise.

' I knew beating him would be hard... but not this hard! it like he unaffected by any of our attacks....'  she  grimaced zero pointed two fingers at them, a glow surrounding it.

" Dark Capriccio!" A beam of dark matter shoot towards them.    " Shit!" kagome said ducking quickly.  natsu let out a grunt of surprise and leaned away. they were both fine thankfully. well beside kagomes's hair its ends were but a bit making kagome long braid come undone. her long light blue went to her back.

kagome glanced back shivering at the huge hole behind them. zero's  voice made her head snap forward giving her whip lash. " Don't make a mistake of thing my magic is the same as brain's. " he stated a cold grin on his face.

before either of them could question his words a beam shot out from under nastu and hit him on the jaw. kagome let out a yelp as another beam hit  her from behind making her stumble. zero chuckled and swiped his left arm. this made natsu's beam hit him and the side of kagome's beam hit her in the stomach.

kagome let out a gasp as the air was knocked out of her. "Which of us will be destroyed you asked!?" zero cackled. " I should think it all to obvious!" kagome fell on her hands and knees panting trying to get her breathe back. natsu glared at zero as he spun around. Flames lit his fist.

" Fire Dragons Iron Fist!"  He shouted locking his arm straight and holding his elbow with the other arm. the Flames beam burst towards  Zero and hits him dead on. but all zero cackle  loudly. Once the spell dies down natsu bow his head a bit panting. kagome grunted and stood up.

" Stopping  a magic designed for  penetration head-on .... interesting.." zero smirked. it seemed like he was about to say something else but his eyes widen in shock. A fimailar smell drifted towards kagome making her stop with wide eyes. natsu must have smelt the same thing since he froze

kagome's head shot as she stared at the entrance in front of natsu and her. before she could say anything a gold beam hit natsu in the gut.  natsu let outa surprise as the breathe was knocked out of him. Even as he was falling his graze never left on the newly arrived person.

"Who's there!?" zero shouted turning around. his face was pulled back into a sly smirk. " You... so your memories returned?"

kagome shuttered a bit as she stared at natsu attacker

" jel... jel.." kagome said she could not get the name out her mouth

"" Natsu snarled from the ground.

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